Thursday, July 9, 2009

Rita's Beautiful Smile 08/2008
Bob and us, where's his other hand?

Kim and us, she was falling and I tried to catch her.

Rita and her parents on our back deck Keith and Maggie

Rhonda Me and Judy at Szechwan Chinese Resturant in Sioux Falls, we always went there for dinner before Schwan's banquet

Rita's Parents Keith and Maggie, Uncle Pat and Sharon, and my sister's husband Don at the world famous Sports Bowl in Sioux Falls

At Palisades State Park in SD where Rita and I hung out alot, I used to jump off this bridge.

Glen Boyles and family in downtown Sioux Falls

Cousin Pat, Jeff Wagner High School Buddy

My Cousin Pat and his son

Randy Page and daughter Christine, ole Schwans Friend

Kyle, Rhonda's Son

Curt and Shirley, Rita Best friend's Sue's parents from High School

Maggie, Megan and Blaze at their home in SF

These are the rest of my pictures from the trip, I would like to thank everyone for being there for me and my family Love Ya


JUANITA said...

Good Morning Mike,
It has been SO long since we have posted and I am very sorry about this. Both Al and I have been working full time, and when we haven't been doing that, we have had lots of company.

This is perfect proof of the fact that even though you haven't heard much from us, it doesn't mean we haven't been thinking of you, because we certainly have. Many times I have wanted to sit down and jot a quick note, but something or the other got in the way of it.

I remember one time, years ago, when we were standing in a cemetary while the Minister was saying his final farewell piece to the recently departed's family. We were all gathered around, each wrapped up in our own private thoughts. Our friends husband was very bereft and he was surrounded by many loving friends and family. As the Minister continued to talk, I remember seeing a plane fly overhead, and could also see traffic driving by because the cemetary was situated in a city where "progress" had created highways that were now very near to where we stood.

I could see birds flitting overhead and could hear bees droning in the distance. I could even see other mourners, unrelated to this funeral, standing and visiting their departed loved ones graves a distance away from where we were standing.

All of this activity serves as a reminder that life goes on even as one's earthly life ends.

It has touched us greatly to see how you have journeyed about visiting various friends and family that knew you and Rita as a couple. In many ways you have managed to keep Rita "alive" by revisiting so many of the people and places you mutually loved.

I do think that Rita is still with you in the spiritual sense, enjoying your journey,and also absorbing the love you feel for her. I am certain that she understands the grief you feel and understands the huge sense of loss you are dealing with. It has been said that the greater our love in life, the greater our grief will be in our loss of that love. So FEW couples have been blessed with the very close bond that the two of you enjoyed. When you are feeling very lonely for Rita, you can help yourself by wrapping yourself in the many years of fabulous memories...the funny ones, the sad ones, the sparkly ones and even the memories of when you had a "difference of opinion". It all comes with the territory of living and loving another person for so long.

Despite all the health challenges that Rits endured in this life, she was a VERY lucky woman to have met, married, and been loved by a man like you. It is evident to ALL of us that you loved her deeply and still do.

We are immensely sorry for the loss of the love of your life. I think that what you are doing, by way of trekking about the many places that bring her memory back to you is a very good thing. In time, you will heal and be able to move forward, but not before every stone has been unturned in your quest to keep Rita alive and well in your heart and mind.

There is no doubt that some day you will be reunited. When that will be, is an unknown. In the meantime, life is a valuable gift and we hope you have many years ahead of this wonderful/terrible experience we call life. Growth is in the living and some of the growth comes at a very painful price. In the end, God in all his wisdom knows what He is doing. We just need to keep the faith because as the Bible says, "Faith, Hope and Love". The greatest of these is love. You certainly have experienced love in all its heart warming beauty. Now you need to rely on Faith and Hope to get you through the rest of your life.

We send you bunches of love. We admire you so much, and I can promise that every woman out there is touched by witnessing the love you have shown for Rita. Every woman on this planet yearns to be loved in the way you loved her. As I said earlier, despite her many challenges, she was immeasurably blessed by her marriage to you.

Love, Juanita and Al

Viki said...

Thanks for all the photos it gives everyone more insight of Rita's life. I know life didn't end when you left Jax NC because we kept in touch. But now I have faces to go with the names. I think about you, Rita and your family every day. (Although you wouldn't know it by my blog comments!!!) And remember if you ever want to visit Parris Island "where it all begins" you will always have somewhere to stay.
As always in my thoughts and prayers. Peace and Strength.