Thursday, August 13, 2009

Randolph 1984

Alicia and Ashley August 9th 2009

Rita and I at our home in Randolph

Rita and Alicia in Randolph

Rita (expecting with Ashley), Alicia and Tracy Lenhoff At Missouri River in Yankton

Rita with Ashley in the oven and Alicia, back of our home in Randolph

Dinner Friday Nite

Kyle, Me and Michael

On Glacier Me, Michael and Tanner

Boyles Lake

Wine Thirty on Our Back Deck

Steve Michael, Ryan and Carissa

Michael & Ryan Jumping

Tim and Margaret, Melanie, Riley,

Carissa Ryan and Michael on Lake Flathead

Ashley spinning out of control caused by Kyle

Ashley Alicia,Mejana,Me,Michael

Michael and Me

Last night Michael and Ashley worked together at Sonic

Last Time I get to harrass the kids at Sonic

Abbie as an New C.N.A.

Mejana chowing down on Nectarine

Kent and I finishing ceiling

Olga, Alicia, Mejana, Lora, Megan, Ashley and Lily at cabin

Jon stopped right as he put his head in the water, Kyle watching

Michael and Tanner's Turn

Boyles Lake

Me, Tanner, Mark, Kyle and Michael, with Love Lake and Arrowhead lake

The start of our trip into Forest Canyon.

Where do I start, the summer has flown by as always, Michael and I made a road trip to 1 of his best friends (Ryan) cabin in Montana on Lake Flathead, Michael's been asking us to go up there with him for years along with Steve and Karen, Ryan's parents. Its an amazing place with lots to do, on our last day we went up the river about 10-15 miles until we hit a log and decided that was far enough, that time didn't hurt the boat but when we got back to the lake we hit a log at full throttle and that messed up the propeller. Michael did a few jumps off bridges, chip off the ol'e block. After that we headed south to Tim and Margaret Bustos in Vernal Utah, the car almost didn't make it, as it stalled allot in the heat, the car was Rita's parents car that Michael wanted instead of his 87 Yota which we donated to the Open Door Mission in Ft Collins. I traded Rita's car for theirs on my last road trip. Tim and Margaret treated us like family and we had a Great time especially on the deck at Wine Thirty. I've been going to the cabin again and when I'm working up there it all seems O.K. Its when I slow down that's when the emotions hit. Kent Hall & Dennis Naibauer have been a HUGH HELP for me at the cabin, always lending a hand. We have the upstairs all sheet rocked and the ceiling is done with all new Old Barn Wood, Next is the wrap around deck which I have to have the holes dug before winter sets in. We had a Blast on our annual back packing trip with 7 people going (Me & Michael, Tanner Scott Michael Best Friend, Jon Schnoor & Kent Hall Best Friend from Schwans, Kyle Anderson Nephew, Mark Kyle's friend), and the best weather we have every had. Michael brought up a piece of wood from the cabin and we carved our name on it and dedicated a un-named lake up there called "BOYLES LAKE" , we Even had a ceremonial dive-in since it is fed by a glacier. Then on Sunday our Family was Baptised, as we were baptised as infants in the Catholic Church, Rita and I wanted to do publicly after seeing Abbie done 3 years ago at our church Grace Place, so we finished it as a Family on August 9th 2009. Ashley was so pretty, she got on a spinney child thing and couldn't stop, it was funny for a second, then we knew we better stop her. Abbie Graduated from CNA school and is now on the hunt for a Job, She loves working with the old people just like her mother. Ashley heading back to Hawaii August 18th to finish her last semester and start her next , she will be back in December. Michael is going back to U.N.C. in Greeley. Alicia, Ronny,Lily and Mejana and doing great in Denver and Alicia continues to be in the top 10% in sales.

Well lets see here, living in Randolph was one of our high lights in our life. We met so many life long friends there, Jon & Jeanie, Bob and Kim, Mag and Randy, Wayne and Amy, Randy and Donna, Joe and Jean, Al and Juanita, and so many more. Everyone had kids the same age as ours so it was natural for Rita to meet and see everybody at school, church or at the store. We were never bored because somebody was always having us over or we were having them over, or we had everyone over, because Rita Loved to entertain. Some of the parties didn't get started until the kids were in bed, then we would usually play spoons until our hands hurt. Saturday was always a recovery day for us Schwan's people because we usually worked about 70-80 hours a week, but by afternoon and evening we were all ready to Party and some of us got started a little early. Sundays have always been our day to spend with the family and doing all those wonderful events with Rita and the Kid, because we still only had Alicia when we moved there. I guess I loved going to the Missouri River the most by Yankton, the kids could swim, and go on adventures, because the landscape was always changing along the beach. We would grill and just hang out with our family and friends. We have been in Randolph about 2 years and Rita hasn't been using any birth control and hasn't been able to get pregnant so she went to a fertility doctor (Dr. Holzworth) and by golly that's all she needed and in December of 1985, she has a bun in the oven, YIPPEE. About time as Rita was probably sick of hearing me talk about all my pregnant Schwan's customer, and now I can talk about her and watch the excitement build as she goes through the 9 months. That's the only time I would slow down, was to watch her stomach move around or place my hands on her to feel a kick, That was the most amazing gift she would ever give me, besides her Love. Our Life together was always exciting but never has it been like this on August 7th 1986, it all started with a phone call at about 5am in O'Neil Nebraska, as I was on an overnight with Jon Schnoor. When Rita called she thought her water broke and that I'd better head home and take her to the hospital in Yankton, I asked how far apart the contractions were and I think she said 30 minutes, so I told her I was on my way. Well I analyzed the data I received and determined I had time to take a shower and go out for breakfast with Jon and then drive the 75 plus miles back to Randolph. When you work for Schwan's you had to plan for everything to work like a well oiled machine, so after Rita called me, she called Randy Page to head my way and pick up my truck and run my route for me and I would drive his truck back to Randolph. Well this was before pagers and cell phones, so as I top the hill going into Randolph in Randy's truck about 8ish, I see Rita's Dad Keith driving her in my car so we both pull over and Keith has this sick look about him and I ask whats going on and Rita's Yell back I'm 5 minutes apart. Well Keith was relieved to see me because another 2 miles and we both would of missed each other and he would have had to take Rita to the hospital. We had a 50 mile trip in front of us and we made it in less than 30 minutes, we killed 3 birds on the way as they misjudged my speed heading down the Hwy, we also passed several cars along the way on the right shoulder as I did not want to wait to pass because of oncoming traffic. I believe Rita didn't like me so much on the way because I took my time getting to her, I used our last child Alicia as a timing tool and figured I had all day to get her to the hospital, well Rita made sure I was verbally punished for my thoughtful decision. Whoo we made it to the emergency entrance and couldn't move her because she kept having contractions, well we get her inside and they hook a monitor to her and can't find a heart beat, its like sucking all the air out of you, Thank God they hook another monitor up and we get a heart beat. From the time I pulled to the emergency entrance to baby born was about 10 minutes, Not Bad for being such an Idiot about comparing Alicia birth to our dear sweet little Ashley Ann(after Rita) Boyles. The doctor and nurses were so amazed after Ashley's birth because Rita and I started talking about having another baby while she was getting cleaned up. I told her we weren't stopping until she had a boy. Till next entry, Thanks all who keep posting comments, espically Jaunita as they are a Hugh Blessing for me, Love Ya All Mike

1 comment:

Viki said...

There is not a day I don't think about Rita, you and your family. The photos are great. Contratulations on your baptisms. Aisne, my youngest, is pregnant again so your last blog really hit home. It's so hard to beleive we're grandparents after reading about birthing the kids. As alway I wish you peace.