Friday, March 20, 2009

New Energy

Mike and I decided to call Dr. because I'm not drinking like i should be so ,didn't have hardily any output ( if you know what I mean lol)
They drew my blood and told us we were right to come in and keeping up on it.
So tomorrow I'm going to go in for a blood transfusion. They said no wonder you have been tired!
I'll be 5 or 6 hours at least so wish me luck!

For I will restore health unto thee and I will heal thee......Jer. 30:17


Anonymous said...

good luck with everything Rita. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
love ya

Sheila said...

Thinking of you some more! I hope this helps you to feel a lot better, Rita.

Jeanine said...

Rita, I'm so glad to here they figured this out. Our prayers are with you. love you Jeanine

Rita said...

Thanks guys appreciate it

Marla said...

Casara, Preston, Isaac, Scott and I are sending thoughts, prayers, hugs, and kisses your way. We love you so very much!

korsmo78 said...

Hope all goes well. we are praying for you, Austen and i pray together every night, and love you soooooo much! Just remember... Tough times NEVER last, tough people do!!!! love ya momma, Niki

Jean W. said...

Thinking of you a lot always. Finally figured out how to be able to leave comments to you. It took me a while, actually Dan had to show me last night when we were over there. The boys laugh at me a lot when it comes to technology. Well it is Sunday, hope all went well yesterday. I prayed extra hard for you. Love you lots!!!!!

JUANITA said...

Well???????? Do we now have the energizer bunny back in the Boyles household? We sure hope so!!! Energy should be your middle name, as I remember you. I hope you are feeling soooooo much better. If the world was all about who deserved what, then YOU would be deserving of most everything you asked for. We pray for you Rita. We are glad it is Mike that is there to take care of you, because YOU deserve the VERY BEST, and INDEED, HE IS!!!
Love and Hugs,
Juanita and Al

Kim said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday. Keep the faith. We know that God is with you and your family. We love you.
Kim, Rick & Carissa

I talked to Rick's Mom on Saturday night. She sends her love too.

Rita said...

Thanks everyone! dont have energy hoped for up all night wrong time LOL