Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Challenge Continues

I had two appointments last Wednesday. My Oncologist and Neurologist.
The main reason I went to my Neurologist is to tell him I am no longer taking my Multiple Sclerosis meds. (a 3xs a week injection with a interferon called Rebif) The oncologists Pa had weened me down to a 1/2 steroid everyday (From a 40 MG). I could tell my strength was getting worse! I told Mike we needed to call the Neurologist because he understands my MS better than an Oncologist ( Who was on vacation again!) Mike called the office. They said that they could fit us in March 31st! I thought to talk to his Nurse and left a message. She Had left him a note on his desk. We were praying so hard for an appointment! He told us to come in that next week. (another answered prayer) He had ordered the steroids for me on the 17Th. He was aware of my experience I had with my treatment.
He said as far as my MS goes the Chemo will possibly knock it out. They give Chemo to Ms patients who have tried everything else. Thank goodness Mike asked about my choking,I had hardly taken in any fluids because I Would choke! He taught me how to swallow so I wouldn't, which increased my intake.
Then went to my oncologist next. He ordered IV's and blood work. Just got home from there the Doctor called had to go back in for more blood work because the last one said all kinds of things.
My potassium was critically low, anemic, dehydrated, that I might need a blood transfusion. I might have to be admitted! I'll be honest I started to cry I had seen enough of the hospital! Then we started to pray! God is so awesome! We went to our old hospital someone was there that knew how to access my port and be Qualified! so she got my blood right away. Even remembered me from the steroid treatment! Mike got to take me home and bring back sample for them to test. T hey said they would call if I needed to come in. We waited and prayed they never called we assumed that was good news actually, God has been so good to us we KNEW! They called the next day, said everything was low but not critically! The Power of Prayer! Once again I would like to thank all of you for your prayers and food and Flowers and to many things to name off that you have given to my family! You just never know how many friends you have until you meet a challenge head on! And wow do I have dear Friends! We love you all and are so thankful we have you all in our lives. God has truly Blessed US!

Why am I discouraged? Why is my heart so sad? I will put my hope in God! I will praise him again-my Savior and my God! Psalm 42:11

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