Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I Feel the need for Speed!

Prayers answered?
Has most of you know I have been fighting for energy,I'm thinking its the chemo and my MS. Once again I have to tell you how awesome my husband is! He lifts me everywhere with never a complaint, Even after he had to go to the chiropractor! My legs and my feet are hard to lock up and move. We asked the Dr. for something to help. He was all well we should do an MRI to make sure the cancer is not pressing on her spine! I'm thinking NO because God has already healed me! So he gave me a stimulant he said its just like speed! Never done anything of the sorts but, just the word Speed excited me! They said i should know in 3 days if it works! Please let this be the prayer we have been Praying for!


Unknown said...

Well you little druggy!!! Only you would get cancer in order to be able to do speed for the first time!! HA HA HA You are always in my prayers. Love you, Tonya

Unknown said...

Hi Rita! It's great to hear you doing better! I'll say a prayer for you tomorrow, it seems that you have a prayer answered today with the "speed"! LOL! I think of you everytime I pass the road that leads to your home. You keep yourself strong on the inside, the outside will follow. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Mike.

Mejana's Mommy said...

Hi Mommy,
Thats funny what Tonya wrote on your blog. I hope you get SPEEDY WITH YOUR SPEED! I know we have all been praying for you to get your strentgh back. I know God can hear our prayers So we just have to HAVE FAITH IN HIM.. and you need to keep a postivite attitude! WHICH I KNOW YOU DO.. And if there is anyone who has kept a positive attitude through all this heart ache its YOU! You seez to amaze me every single day. I dont know ANYONE WHO IS STRONGER THEN YOU!
MOMMY I KNOW YOU CAN FIGHT THIS CANCER .. and you know i will be asking to BORROW YOUR LEXUS for a cruise!!!!!!

Rita said...

Thanks every one! Love getting coments!

Rita said...

Lol Tonya

Those Boyles girls make me cry!love ya!

Anonymous said...

How funny Rita! Hope your stimulent aka. SPEED is helping you. I was also thinking that maybe you should move to Oregon so you can get precription marajuana too. lol :). Love ya bunches

Novak Notes: said...

Sounds like you're finding some good solutions to some of the ongoing problems like weakness and fatigue. GREAT! Clint and I pray for you and we pray for Mike every night. We talk about you with our family and they ask about you whenever we see them. We think about you all the time. We're hoping to see you sometime soon. Sounds like Monday nights are going to be tough for you until your chemo is done. But, I'm so glad you are able to enjoy your weekends.

We love you guys! Keep fighting the fight!

Clint and Abby