Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Pattys Day!


Novak Notes: said...

We sure miss seeing you guys! If there is ever a day when you would like a visit let us know and we will see what we can do. We could bring some dinner with us and treat you guys.
We pray daily for both of you,

Aunt Chris Uncle Tom said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day back at ya. Not too sure about this blog stuff. Old dog - ya know. Just wanted to let you know that we think about you and pray for you everyday. Chris talks with your mom nearly every day so we do get updates from her. Keep up the spirit and we'll keep up the prayers.

How's the new grandbaby? Our Aelia is crawling and standing - sometimes on her own. It's fun watching her grow. She's developing a personality and doesn't sit still for any length of time. I'd be surprised if she's not walking by 9 months.

Hugs and love to all

Aunt Chris & Uncle Tom

JUANITA said...

Hi Rita,
I am sitting at my desk at my receptionist job at the Summit Health Care Center which is located less than a mile from our house. I could walk to work, but I am generally not organized enough to leave in time to do that, so I drive. I LOVE this job. It is required that I answer phones and greet guests, both of which require talking...Imagine how painful that is for your old pal, Juanita! =0) I have to tell you that Al and I pray for you a lot and we speak of you often. Al just loves you to pieces and always has. I have a question for you today....WHERE is the traveling dress these days that used to go back and forth between you and the Schnoors? It may be fun for you OR Mike to put it on and have a photo of it on your blog and tell a little history of that lovely little bit of cloth. Jeanne has told me the story and it is soooooooo funny. Well, guess I better go and earn my keep around here, so will sign off. We send you our love and lots of it.

Love, Al and Juanita

Jody Joines said...

Hi there! We send our love and good thoughts your way. You are really hanging in there and are braving this battle with courage and a positive attitude. Keep it up! Your daughter is a tough one... having an accident, and then going to work with a broken foot! Good Grief! That's a rough one. We send our love to you, Dave and Jody Joines

Rita said...

Abbey I'm hoping that I will feel better this monday so we can have Bible Study.

Dawn and Ron Mikkelson said...

Hi, Sweetie!

Well, this might the second time you read this - the first time I'm not sure if I did it right.

Just finished reading a bunch of your blogs. You are so funny! And your courage and hope shouts loud and clear. We pray for you every night.

I hope to see Dad this weekend, so I'll catch him up on your stories. He has really strong prayers - he says God listens when heathens like him pray! He says he has so many prayers to say that sometimes he falls asleep during them. Now that's commitment.

I sent your email to Kim, Bridget and Doug. I'll make sure I sent your blog address, too.

Keep up that spirit. You are an inspiration.

Miss ya lots, love you more,