Friday, February 27, 2009

Challenging last couple weeks.

On the 17th I got my IV drug, and the 18th I went back in for my next session of one gram of steroids. That very day I went back in, as Mike said "She has been saying the most abnormal things". Mike took me in and then they admitted me, they discovered I had a urinary tract infection; which was affecting my personality and state of mind. The steroids were counter reacting with my UTI. To the point the bladder is connected to your brain directly, which caused something of the sort of craziness haha! Then again being in la la land is much better then other side effects such as brain swelling and long term psychoses. The only thing that really calmed me down was the music from my blog. Other then that I am not going into details, but these are just a few things I said on my journey back to the 60's " I rather have a lexis then life", to " I rather have life then a lexis" lol Mike was getting worried, saying that he would buy me a lexis, I guess he figured I would forget that comment. Ha like I would ever forget such a promise. (just Kidding, I choose Life!) A lot of things I said in my "State" Are coming true! For example I thought I saw Mikes stepmother I thought for sure she was there. She called that day and was looking for tickets to fly out and stay for a couple of weeks! She wanted to come out in March but I asked her to come out in May For Abbies Graduation which is On Her 18th Birthday!And that my fluid was drying up and has long as its been dry for a couple of weeks they will take out my chest tube!( hoping for that too come true also!) Everyone is so excited to see her she is a retired Nurse and was such a blessing to take care of mikes dad when he was so sick and a great advocate for him so I know she will be a great advocate for me that knows whats going on! She is so loving and helpful we all can't wait! It ended up taking me four days to get me back to normal and back home, in most cases this could last up to a week, or longer.I was lucky with so many prayers from family and friends and with God on my side. To the people from the hospital, I must apologize for my attitude they said " No worries it was the Drugs talking and not you". On the way home on Saturday, I still was acting a little strange, but everyone loved me anyways haha! Well since I am back to normal I finally got to write on my blog once again, praise the Lord!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17th IV Steroids

Sorry its been awhile since I've blogged
Had my chemo on The 12th
I have weakness no strength can't get up
Mike God bless him He lifts me
He is such a good cook! He's Amazing! Instead of take home Chef Hes' Stay Home Chef!
Finally It is more because of my MS. All the weekness
They said to have an appointment with Neurologist on March 31st. Then Mike called the Neurologist's His Nurse left him a Note
My Neurologist said Its my My Ms So he So he is putting me on 5 days of IV steroids!
And I have appt. to see him a week from Wednesday! Yeah
So I will have strength Again! Can't Wait
God Is Good

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm so excited

So tonight Lora came up and stayed over. A surprise came with her for me! Alicia and Mejana Lora has to leave early, bless her heart! so they drove separately. Alicia could stay longer while I'm going through my chemo tomorrow. She took today off. But acted like she was coming Thursday.
Alicia shopped for me . I authorized her on my Kohls and I had a extra credit so she bought a new comfort plus I finally had a coupon for 30% plus it was on Sale Score!!!

I love this confession!

My Father loves me; He doesn't condemn me. His best for me is that I walk in healing and health, and I walk in His best.

I start everyday believing he has healed me!

Last Month with old Randolph Friends

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Love this confession!

Medicine helps me, but Jesus is my healer.I say with confidence,

" Gods Word works, and it's working in me now!"

Alicia & Mejana

Dr. said she could eat cereal at 4 months.
Yesterday Mejana Tried Cereal for first time. And loved it

Lilly & Grandpa Mikes Lincoln Logs

Sunday The 8th Of February

The Stevensons drove down and beat us to church! ( Alicia said they are coming to our church every Sunday if they can!) Mejana's Auntie Abbie Loves to show her off!
Ronny brought Salmon to smoke and Grill for me.
We Had a nice Meal, Ham (not Me), Salmon!
It was so great! He has been wanting to grill for me. He asked me what I wanted him to make. I said grilled fish. ( didnt expect Salmon!)
Yum Yum! What a good Son In Law!
He left me the leftovers. I love them on crackers and Salad!

Lack of Oxygen con't

Just have to tell you about another incident this weekend!
Lora was masaging my feet. Which she is great at.
She had a friend who is a Physical Therapist show her how to help the swelling.
We were so concentrating on that.
When my friend Celeste came and sat by me she was like,
"Why are your fingers Blue?" ( Thats how good the massage was!)
NO OXYGEN! It was diconnected on part of the hose!
Connected, All is Well!
Good thing Celeste noticed are they would of thought I was REALLY RELAXED!

Sunday The 8th Of February

This Sunday was great made it to Church! It always a good day when I can go to Church. I asked God not to have me cough thur the sermon and he never fails me!
It was kinda funny though in church.
I asked Mike to turn my oxygen up, He did.
Still couldn't get any. Mike looked at it and it was completely empty! Out they push me Mike and a good friend Celeste from Brush.
Mike disconnects and Makes a Mad dash to the car where there is extra tanks! The tank must of Drained all the air. Mind you it was full when we left the house. (Malfunction)
It was funny because there was the nicest greeter from church asking if we needed some water!
Didn't want to be rude and say
"No, I need Air!"
Everything turned out OK!
That was the weekend for a "Lack of oxygen!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Quick note for Feb 2nd on 6th!

Dr. called from University On Monday The 2nd.
He said with all the test they took. He is About 98% sure it is lung cancer, At one point he ran test to make sure it didn't start with Breast Cancer.
I told Him I went off my Morphine Saturday night because it made me feel loopy. He asked, How I felt and I said,
"Well there is your Answer!"
Wrong! I really got sick on Monday.
We called the Oncologist On call Monday night. Where I proceeded to tell Him I had gone off the Morphine.
"You can't just go off of it! You have to ween yourself......slowly.
So I'm on my last one, Instead of taking 4 every 12 Hours!
I don't feel loopy, But with My M.S. still trying to get my strength back!