Saturday, April 4, 2009

Started new meds

I just started new meds last night. It's oral and I take it everyday. It's called Tarceva so hopefully it will work great and I'm expecting it to work great since I've heard so many good things about it. It's another form of chemo. If it stops the coughing it would be nice. So please pray for my coughing to stop. Fluid is still in my legs and feet so I'm taking meds for that and eating lots of protein. Still waiting for strength, but with prayer it will come. Mike prays all the time with me. Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

"and they were healed ... and they were healed"-Acts 5:16


JUANITA said...

Hello Rita,
Today is Saturday and the weather is just beautiful. There is a slight breeze outside and the sun is shining brightly. I have been watering my plants and watching the birds fly about their business, to and fro, to and fro, they fly. They are busy making nests and at times we can see them gliding on the currents of the air. Surely, this must be what heaven will be like. I often think of heaven as being a wide expanse of blue azure skies, in which big, billowing puffy clouds are floating about. I can see some source of water sparkling in the distance and beckoning to me to come and at least stick my big toe in. No matter what our worries or what our troubles are, it seems that when I am in my garden, my heart lifts and I feel completely at peace with the world. I wish you lived close enough for me to have you over for some icy raspberry tea in my little courtyard. Can't you just hear that tinkle, tinkle of the ice against the glass? I can picture the guys sipping on their beers and flipping steaks on the grill. Yum! Yum! Maybe you and I would just skip the ice tea and would dive right into the margaRITA's instead. I just knew those drinks had to be named after someone as wonderful as you. I feel the same way whether I am around Rita OR MargaRITA. In both cases, all is right with the world because I am in the presence of something/someone who makes me feel so awesome! Well, anyway, I wanted you to know that we have been thinking of you all day and I just had to come inside and tell you so. Your spirit is indomitable, uplifting and downight fun. We miss you. We love you too. Have a good day, and know we are praying for you. Love, Juanita and AL

Sheila said...

Praying, also, that the new meds work for you, Rita!

JUANITA said...

EXODUS 23 V. 25


Viki said...

Well I thought I had this computer thing down but I couldn't get it to accept my comment. Hope this time it works. I like Juanita's version of the maraRITA. In fact I think I may have one this afternoon in your honor. I really hope that the new meds are working and that you are feeling better. Remember too that Mike is not the only one praying with and for you. Take Care. Love you Viki

Rita said...

As always beautiful Juanita

MargaRITA does sound good with Old Dear Friends Thanks for your continueing Prayers Love Rita