Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday

Thanks for all your Thoughts and Prayers, need to ask again For more Prayers , As I ended up in Hospital on Friday with Breathing Problems, they did a cat scan and found 1 of 3 things, fluid, pneumonia and or more cancer. In order to find out which one they will have to do a Lung biopsy, which is not likely due to my weakness. Oxygen went from 3.5 to 10 as they are trying to keep my blood oxygen level at 90. our oncologist believes it is pneumonia, still waiting for our lung doctor and MS doctor to show up. So keep on praying and God willing, we'll have a Easter miracle with our Lord Rising to save us all. Our kids and friends will have Easter Meal at our house and Bring our plates up here to Celebrate our King. It looks like I'll be here till at least Tuesday.

Have a Safe and Blessed Easter

Love Rita

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