Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rita's Celebration of Life

These are some of my favorite pictures of Rita and I, top 1 in the Black Hills and next our last vacation to Hawaii . The ones below are when we 1st met, Rita driving my Dad's boat full throttle and our 1st picture together and then 30 years latter at the same spot.
Rita's Celebration of life

Thursday April 30th, 4-8 pm Hang Out with Rita and Family at Viegut Funeral Home 1616 N Lincoln Avenue Loveland Co. 80538

Friday May 1st, 1-2pm Last Time to Hang out with Rita, 2-3pm Rita's Life Celebration, 3-4pm Refreshment's at Grace Place Church 250 Mountain Avenue Berthoud Co 80513

4-? Going Away Celebration and Wine Thirty at Mike and Rita's Place 4306 Crane Ct Loveland Co. 80537
Rita and I met on May 6th 1978 on the loop in downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and my friends had waved her down to stop and when I came over to check things out my friends had already taken up the back seat of her car so I crawled over Rita and took the last seat between her and her girlfriend. That was the start of our Life together, it only took 3 months for us to fall in Love, Rita of course said it 1st and I followed after a backpacking trip to the Black Hills to think it over. I was 18 and she was 17 and on December 11th 1978(Rita's Birthday) I asked her to Marry me. I went into the Marines in February 1979 and on May 16th 1980 we Finally got to be together Legally. Rita had only been in 3 states her whole life and now I was driving her to Jacksonville North Carolina. We had 1 car which I took to work everyday, I figured she couldn't escape without a car and 1500 miles between us and her parents. It didn't take Rita long to meet all the neighbors and start her social networking society which produce allot of life long friends but not much income, she did settle in on baby sitting after a few jobs that didn't appreciate her. Spring of 1982, 7 months before I was to get out of the Marines, Rita decided to get Pregnant, not really, she thought she had back problems and I knew something was up with her but never thought Baby. Well our lives keep gettin better because of what we shared together. So 1500 miles from home we have our 1st baby on September 15, 1982, and what a noisy one she was, I remember a friend of hers telling Rita I have to go now, I don't know how you listen to her scream all day long. Rita would get so mad because I would walk in the door and she would hand me Alicia screaming and tell me it was my turn and me being tired, would sit on the couch and fall asleep with her. Rita and I kept growing closer together and learning what Love really means and our commitment to each other. I had to extend in the Marines to pay for everything and have enough cash when I got out.(before credit cards) So in June of 1983 we head back home to South Dakota with allot more stuff then when we left.
Sorry everyone But I will have to finish this later and finalized Rita's ever lasting party. thanks for all the Memories, comments and Love you pore out on Rita's Blog as I'm addicted now to reading your notes and it really helps, as I do not know what to do without MY RITA. I Thank God for bringing us together and Helping us Stay Together, she is home now and I'm sure she is still talking to the 1st person she met in Heaven and there is a long line still waiting to catch up with her. Love Mike, Rita and Family


JUANITA said...

Good Morning Mike and family,

Well, you already have me crying with your newest post. I can feel the love in the words you have written about your courtship and the way your married life began.

We LOVE the pictures! There is NO doubt that TRUE love is seen from the very beginning.

I have been playing the music that Rita chose for her blog all morning and am really listening to the words. It is like hearing her thoughts as I hear the words.

Rita is still here in the sense that you have 4 beautiful children who would never have existed had the two of you not been hot rodding in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Imagine that! I'll bet you had no idea what climbing over a young girl to find a seat was going to mean to your future!

We send you our love. Rita's life is indeed worth CELEBRATING!

Love, Al and Juanita

Unknown said...

Mike, I finally composed myself and then I read your blog and once again I am crying!

I already knew how you and Rita met and how you started out... you see Mike, that is what happens when you live in Randolph and your husband works long hours, we spent countless hours on the phone every day! In fact just 2 weeks ago, I told Jon "I can't believe we just didn't get tired of each other, we would meet for lunch (breakfast for Rita and Alicia), the go to the pool, then she had us for dinner or I had them at our house, then was the walk around Randolph to visit and stop at the park. Only to go home and then get on the phone for 2 more hours! But ohhh the memories! We discussed one night about how lucky we were to have men like you. How you love unconditionally and never held anything back. Rita & I took the kids down to see you guys at the depot that night. I think Jon sensed we had been in a deep conversation and he asked what we had been talking about. I told him how lucky were were to have you both. Jon's reply of course was a smart ass one, with a big smile - he said "yeah you two are pretty lucky to have us and you better not ever forget it" are one of the most amazing guys I have ever met. I have never seen so much love pour out of one man. We love you and can't wait to see you all.


Unknown said...

Mike: Thank you for Part One of "The Mike & Rita Story." Looking forward to future installments. Praying for you and the kids. It makes it easier on the rest of us to see how much faith each of you have in the face of this awful tragedy. You and the kids and Rita have been a great inspiration and example to the Bottaro family. God bless you and see you tomorrow.

Brenda Christenson said...


Mikayla and I sure enjoyed seeing everyone on the 19th. I know Jeff would have liked to have been there too. We are sorry, and want you to know that you are, and always will be, in our prayers.

This blog is so neat. I like all the pictures, music, and comments. Sure is a nice way to share with friends and family. I started reading your "love story". Can't wait to read the rest. Hang on to those memories...they're wonderful!!

Jeff and I feel so blessed to have you and Rita in our lives. You both have meant so much to us. Thank you for your friendship. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.

God bless you and the rest of your family. We will see you on Friday.

Brenda and Jeff Christenson
and family

Anonymous said...

Hi Mike,
Oh my, I love what you have put on Rita's blog. I will be looking for more. What a wonderful way to share your life with Rita to all of us who loved her too. I am so going to miss her. She was always there for me in good times and in bad. I counted on you two alot. Thank you for that. I will not be joining you in Rita's life celebration, but please know that I love all of you and I will be celebrating in my own way.
Take care and I hope to see more, "Life with Rita" continue.

Dawn and Ron Mikkelson said...

Mike and kids,

I'm not sure when tears of sadness turn to tears of joy, but I think I'm getting there. The blogs have really helped from the beginning and continue to help today. I told Rhonda that I would cry today and celebrate tomorrow. I will, too.

I'm so grateful that we got to spend some time together. I wish I could be there to celebrate Rita and hug and be hugged, but I'll be there in spirit.

No doubt Heaven is a little more animated today. And we have a new angel looking out for us that I know won't be easy to ignore!

Our love and prayers to all of you,
Dawn and family

Viki said...

Mike, Today has got to be bitter sweet. It's a beginning and an end. I wish so much that I could be there to say hello and goodbye. I can't thank you and your kids for sharing Rita with us in person and via blog. I hope you continue the blog so that we can be there for you in the future. I also am awaiting the second episode of "The Mike & Rita Story". Although Rita was the best babysitter she longed for a child of her own. I remember having a conversation with her when she doubted that she could get pregnant and she was kinda down. (As down as Rita could get!!). Then before we knew it she had Alicia. Rita was one of the few women who truly glowed while she was pregnant. I still have photos of Alicia and Aisne playing on the floor at your house in Jax NC. Then all of a sudden you had four kids. What a blessing. Rita was born to be a mommy. I just want to say Hi and thanks to everyone who has been there in body, spirit, blog, email and any other form of connection to help Mike and family through this trying time. Prayers are still and always with you. Peace.

Unknown said...

Boyles Family- I wish I could of been there to celebrate Rita's life with you all this past weekend. Just know that there are three ladies in Minnesota that have celebrated Rita's life in our own special ways. You all have been in my thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to read more about the love story of Mike and Rita!

Ronda Walters said...

Mike and family,

You have been in my thoughts and prayers every day. Mike, thank you for sharing that wonderful letter of you and Rita. It was beautiful.

When we moved to Brush Rita took me under her wings and we became gret friends. We spend endless days having coffee together and hanging out. She was a great friend.

I was looking at pictures of when we lived in Brush and all the pictures of Rita she had a smile on her face or she was goofing off.She was so much fun.

I have been thanking God for her life and all the lives she touched.

Your family has been a wonderful Christian testimony through all this.That includes Rita.

I will continue to uphold all of you in my prayers.

Love, Ronda Walters

JUANITA said...

Hi Mike,
We have been thinking of you quite a lot these last several days, imagining you going through all the motions of saying goodbye to Rita. Now that things have quieted down and the crowd has dispersed is when reality is going to set in for you. I am sure that soon you daughter will be heading back to Hawaii and extended family will soo be going back to their various homes.

We hope you are hanging in there and we hope that you are finding strength in prayer. Find heart in knowing that one day, you and Rita will be reunited once again. In the meantime, your kids are going to be so glad to have their Dad to lean on as the years pass by.

We send you all our love,
Al and Juanita

JUANITA said...

Hi Mike,
Just a note to tell you that we continue to think of you, knowing you are in the earliest stage of life without Rita. Thank the good Lord you have your children. You and Rita did good there, that is for sure.

A big Texas hug for you. Just wasn't only Rita who was loved by so many...You are too.

Love, Al and Juanita

Ronda Walters said...

Mike and family,
With Mother's Day being this weekend, I wanted to let you know I am saying extra prayers for your family. May you remember happy memories of Rita on Sunday.
All my love, Ronda W.

JUANITA said...

Hi Mike,
Well the first bench mark you experienced without Rita was Abby's prom. Now Mothers day, then Abby's graduation, and then the real memory stirring event, yours and Ritas wedding anniversary. I can't remember how many years it has been for you. It seems to me you would be at 29 in May of this year?

Al and I visualize you going about your life and trying to make things work in a new way. I am sure the cabin is a big draw for you. In fact, isn't that where Rita is now?

We send you our heartfelt caring your way and we want you to know that we think about you a LOT. We have also prayed for you to find some peace in your new solo existance. It is always most difficult for the loved ones left behind.

Love and Hugs, Al and Juanita

Margaret said...

Mike, I have just now figured out how to leave a comment!! I know I am a dork. I just wanted to thank you so much for letting me be a part of the last few months. Those memories are so precious to me now. These last four months have taught me more about true friendship than anything I had learned in the last 48 years.I can't thank you enough for sharing the love of your life with so many of us.I don't know what else to say but that I continue to think of you and Rita and the family often. All our love, Tim and Margaret