Thursday, April 16, 2009

Pictures of Family


Uncle Don said...

Those pictures are great. What a good looking bunch of people. Please have one of them place a kiss on your cheek from me.
Talk to you later...Love, Don

Char said...

Rita and family, you have all our prayers and blessings. With all the love and support of our God and your family and friends may your feel comfort and peace! We think of you all often and pray for great strength for all of you.
Love and Blessings,
your cousin Bobbie and Char

Unknown said...

Hey Miss Rita,

I just was checking in. I am so glad you are home...home where you belong. I know you are surrounded by so many people that love you, so much!

I asked Mike to give you a kiss for me this morning and it was so cute, he sent me a text msg back that said "I just did...she always has had great lips to kiss" Awe...

I guess I am just not a good enough writer because I can't seem to find the perfect words to express how much I love you...but I know you know!

Love you girl!

mag and randy said...

I couldn't wait to get home from work and look at the pictures on your blog.. Lora texted and told me to look. Beautiful, just priceless. You look so stunning Rita, eyes so loving. I especially like the goofy picture with the girls and of course the one of mike swaping spit with his bride!!!!!!!!!hahha Thanks for the pictures. Love you, mag

JUANITA said...

Hi Rita,
Now that was such a wonderful idea! It was so nice of you to share pictures with the rest of us so that we could all feel as if we were there in some small way. We LOVED the photos.

Rita, has anyone ever told you that you have GREAT HAIR? You look so good with your headband on. You are a natural beauty. There is never a time you don't look lovely.

Your children are so cute. I love how you were all pulling faces in one of the photos. I liked the kissy face ones too. You and Mike have done such a wonderful job with your kids. You must be so proud.

It warms my heart to see how close your family is and I am SO glad you are surrounded by all of them.

We send you a Texas sized hug and hope you have a real good night of rest tonight.

Love and Hugs,
Al and Juanita

Unknown said...

I hope you crazy nuts have a good night. I'm so envious of you all. I wish we could be there. our hearts are with you guys. Still we pray and pray.

your name and family never leave our lips, See you in the morning.

ps thanks for all the new pictures!!!!

ps ps Crystal is trying to post a cute frog joke for you on face book- Abbie's.
love you guys Troy and Tammy

Unknown said...

Good Morning Mike and Rita. Good Morning Rita Gang. I hope you guys all had a good night. the kids looked at all the new pictures last night and really enjoyed them, especially the 'growling' one. I told them that happens when the cook is late. :)
We've been praying hard for your lungs to clear up, and your strength to come back. We also pray for mental and physical strength for Mike to meet all the demands on his plate. Finally we pray that now that the doctors are out of the picture, the LORD will touch you in a mighty way.We were so excited to hear you got dressed and joined everyone for lunch yesterday. THAT WAS 'HUGE'!! YOU GO GIRL!!! you are right-GOD WINS!!
Hang in there, we love you to pieces
Troy, tammy, Elisha,Beau, Austin
Brandi, Tia, Chaz, Crystal, & Kyrky

Rita said...

Thanks guys

Kim said...

Rita, Love the pictures! You are beautiful as ever. I am so glad you have so many loving people surrounding you.I have to say ditto to everything everyone else has already said. I know you know how hard it is for me to be so far away. You have always been there supporting me and even though I am physically not there know that my heart and my mind are. Love you so much!

Unknown said...

Hey there Rita and gang. We play your blog -the music-all the day. It's sort of like being with all of you.

Hang in there. One day at a time.

God CAN work with FAITH!!! If you guys didn't have it, you wouldn't all be 'partying' over at the Boyles, would you?
Still praying for mental, physical and spiritual strength for your whole bunch.


love you guys to pieces
Troy and Tammy and gang

Jean W. said...

Dear Mike and Rita and your wonderful family. The pictures were great they just radiate with love. You guys are so lucky to be able to share your love with each other. I wish I could be there to share with you. It is very hard being this far away but you know we are with you every minute of the day in spirit.
My love and prayers!!
God Bless All of You!!
Jean W.

JUANITA said...

Good Morning!
Today has been an interesting weather day. When we first moved to Austin, I remember someone saying to me "Welcome to the land of flood and drought". I had no idea just how accurate that statement would be. We have been in a long drought and today the skies opened up and poured forth. And I DO mean POURED! I had to turn the lights on in the house because it was so dark outside and "man oh man" was it raining. (I wonder why we never say "woman oh woman?") It was what my family has always called a "thunder boomer". Lightning was lighting up the dark spaces in a rapid succession of flashes and it was followed by a rippling thunder that seemed to start at one end of the sky and roll completely over to the other side. We have needed this rain for so long. I just stood there on my porch sipping my coffee and found myself enjoying the drama. If God chose to be audible, this would be a perfect example of his power and his voice, should He decide to speak. I will also often imagine the sun as HIS smile, and and the warm temperate days as a sort of loving caress from HIM. The garden with all things green and growing represent to me how all living things respond to love and caring attentiveness. Kind of like you how your face opens like a flower when your loving family surrounds you.

I continue to have you on my mind. Are your ears ringing? Isn't there an old wives tale that says you know when people are talking about you when your ears begin to ring? Well, if this is true, your poor ears must be vibrating like crazy on either side of your head. I was just talking to my 83 year old mother earlier today, and speaking of my aforementioned "pouring forth" in reference to the heavy rain, another kind of 'pouring forth' occurred as I was telling my mother about our friend Rita!! I was pouring forth all kinds of accolades about the many lessons that Rita and her family are teaching ALL of us. I told her that I could NOT get over your photos and how your love and humor continues to spill out to the rest of us. There you are in your lovely little hospital gown, with an oxygen tube connected to your face and you are making faces with your girls. God must just LOVE humor and he wants your kind of jovialty. Surely, if God had favorites, you would be one of his.
I hope you are feeling well today. Generally, a lunch out with loved ones, makes a person feel so good. I hope this was true for you.
Have I ever told you how AWESOME I think you are? If not, well, I am telling you now.
We love you Rita...and also that man you married too.
Hugs, Al and Juanita

Cody said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cody said...

Sorry I messed up the first we'll try this again..

Hey Rita it's Cody!
I was driving home last night and I couldn't stop thinking about you...I was just in my own little world and I got pulled over going 53 in a 40!! (Don't worry I only got a warning). However, I did proceed to give the cop a proof of insurance card that expired in 2007, and THEN it took me another 5 minutes to find the current one and my registration! LOL. I could almost feel you sitting in the back seat laughing and saying "Geez Cody!". You of all people taught me how important it is to find the humor in life. To live, laugh, love, and have FUN. Even now, with everything you have going on you STILL have an unmatchable sense of humor. You have always been a blast to be around. I'm so glad and thankful that I was able to come and spend time with you. I know that it probably sounds really trivial, but standing there holding an ice-pack on your forhead is going to remain one of the most precious moments of my life. I'm so thankful that I was able to be there to hug you and kiss you, to massage your legs, to get you a warm blanket...or to simply tell you how much you mean to me. I could write a blog the size of a phone book telling you how much I love you and how on so many different levels you have taught me something about life...but I know that you already know. I'm heading in to take my AP Biology Final but I will be thinking about you the whole time. You have always been like a second Mom to Cole and I. Only a nice that never said "no". =)

With ALL My Love- Cody

PS: You know how the computer makes you type in a security "captcha" word before it allows you to post? Mine was "faith"!

Gregg said...

Mike, Rita & Family -
You guys are in our thoughts every day out here in "Beetdigger Country". (Brush has never been the same by the way since the Boyles family left!)How wonderful is it for you to have so many of your family & friends around. You are strong for each other and we can feel that strength and love clear out here in the "sticks".
Here's to you Mike & Rita!
Your friends - Gregg & Ronda

Unknown said...

Hey Rita –
You know you have been on my mind like every hour of every day. It is so difficult to stand by and feel so totally useless because I can’t make everything better for you. (But then again that is probably the control freak in me!) I know God is in control.

So you know I am new at this blog thing, is there proper etiquette? I am afraid this will be too long, but here goes anyway!

We were on the way home just a few days ago from seeing you when Cody said “You know I always remember Rita with poofy long black hair and she was always making lasagna” I just cracked up! I said “Cody…she was not always making lasagna. You see, it was my favorite, so when we came through town on our way to NE, we always would stop and stay with them…and yes…Rita made me lasagna. We also ate at the usual Boyle’s dinner time which was about 9:00-9:30 pm! LOL

You told me in the hospital about when we first met and you could not believe I could just shop and throw all my stuff in the cart without adding it up…well it made me think back to when we went to Norfolk every week to get groceries. That was OUR day every week, and oh how we looked forward to it. One time after we got groceries at HyVee, we were so engrossed in our conversation that we forgot to go through the drive thru and pick our groceries up. We were over half way home before it dawned on us…the very thing we went there for, we drove home without. I just remember laughing and laughing. What ding dongs we were!

Then one night we decided since Jon and Mike were working, we would go to Laurel to that steak house. We were driving along in your car and I remember looking up at a big beautiful cloud and remarking on it to you. You said “Jeanne, that is a thunderhead, we are going to get rain” Well we got rain alright! Do you remember? We were driving YOUR car home, and it started to hail. And the hail got bigger and bigger, so bad we had to finally pull off the side of the road. It was golf ball sized hail and it was LOUD. You started laughing…I could not believe you were laughing when your car was being pummeled by hail, UNTIL you said “well Mike has to get me a new car now”. BUT only seconds later you got this look of shock on your face and screamed over the hail pounding down on your car “Oh crap, I just remembered we don’t have full coverage on this car!” We laughed and laughed.

There was the time we were both having hair issues. I went and got a perm that took so well, I looked like a Q-tip! You told me on the phone…”Oh come over so I can see, it can’t look that bad” Well I hit your door and you broke out in a big hearty laugh! Guess it did look that bad! Then YOU went and got a perm from Karla’s Kurls in Randolph. You called me and said “you are not going to believe this but only half my hair permed” I said “Rita…come over it can’t look that bad…” then I laughed a big hearty laugh! We were leaving for the banquet the next day…so I remember helping you to curl it at the hotel because your hair really did look like the commercials where you have the split screen! One side was straight as could be and the other side was curly.

How many times did we put the kids in the car to drive to O’Neil to spend the night with Mike and Jon? Thinking back…we drove for an hour to go eat cold pizza, drink warm beer and let the kids jump on the beds in a nasty little hotel…Oh, but those were good times!

We were taking novelties out to Mike and Jon in O’Neil one time in my car. We got pulled over for speeding. I was explaining to the officer that we had a trunk full of ice cream. He made me get out and show him. He simply shook his head and said “No one has ever given me that excuse” and he let us go on our way…to go eat cold pizza, drink warm beer and let the kids jump on the beds!

And how many times did we put the kids in the car and head for Sioux City to shop? And we could shop until the mall closed at 9:00 pm and still be home before the guys got home! Not too many women can say that!  We spent a lot of time over the years looking for the perfect dress, shoes and earrings for the banquets each year!

Speaking of the banquets-I remember coming down for breakfast one year. Someone came up to me and said “wow…I am surprised to see you up…you and Rita were pretty drunk last night” I simply smiled and said “you see I was drunk, Rita was not, she really does not drink much of anything, that is that way she is all the time!”

Oh Rita-and then when we went to the Sear’s Tower in Chicago…Jon thought he would be funny and take Mike’s picture in the bathroom stall. So he reached over and took the picture. Jon came running out laughing…then Mike came out and never said a thing? We thought that was odd, but we didn’t say anything…that was until we got our film developed (old days) and we had a VERY surprised looking STRANGER sitting on the pot in our group of pictures! Jon and I laughed so hard! Then we called and told you all about it.

Remember all the grumbling from Mike and Jon in Chicago…because we both insisted on going to Oprah’s restaurant? They were less than impressed, but we got to see Stedman, so we thought it was pretty cool!

My Mom said to remind you that you are the ONLY person who has ever put toothpicks in her wall to make something hang straight.

And talk about parents. I remember meeting your parents. After they left I told you “my parents are carbon copies of yours” to which you replied “no way!” Then you met my parents…and well let’s just say…they are so much alike it is scary. No one ever understood my parents like you, and I really understood your parents! And your sister Rhonda…well she is so much like my sister Lynn.

So Rita…I could go on and on…how do you sum up 25+ years of friendship? You can’t.

I brought my bible with me this last trip because I wanted to share two scriptures with you that remind me of you. The first one is Ecclesiastes 4:9 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; if one falls down his friend can help him up” Well Rita…you have always been that friend for me…and hopefully I have been the same for you.

The other scripture I wanted to share that always had reminded me of you is Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control” You see Rita…your life has always modeled your faith…Alicia summed things up the other night when we were all praying together in the hospital room when she said “no other woman I know brings such joy to others or brings people together like my Mom”, well Alicia…you hit it on the head!

Rita…I love you…I hope since I can not be there right now…you can feel my love…my hugs across the miles. You my friend (my best friend!) are one amazing woman.

All my love, always…

Kim said...

Rita, Today I was thinking about that infectious laugh of yours and it got me thinking about one of first times you made me laugh sooo hard I thought I would pee my pants. See if you remember it. Way back,well it had to be at least 22 years ago because you did not have Ashley yet and we had not been in Randolph very long. Bob and I came over for dinner and that night we decided to watch a movie so we sent Mike and Bob down to the Mini Mart to get one and they came back with an "adult" movie.(Now before anybody gets too judgmental we were all in our twenties and did not know any better haha} For the life of me I cannot remember what we did with the 4 kids! I will never ever forget you started laughing at the guys hairy ass. I can just hear you laughing at the same time saying "look at that hairy ass" It was then that I realized you were one of those very rare people who have the gift to find the humor in everything and to spread it to everyone around you! Oh how I cherish all fun we have had over the years! Do you really know what a Gift from God you are to me and my family? Do you really know how much you enrich our lives? Keep on laughing Rita because it brings joy to the ears of everyone who hears it! I know you love me but as Lora say I love you more!

Unknown said...

Thought We'd send you this verse.

Psalm 91:1-2
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most HIGH shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in HIM will I trust.

We love you guys soooo much.

Jean W. said...

Well Rita I just read Kim and Jeannes messages and wow they said it all. Randolph was the best part of our Schwans career and it was because of people like you and Mike. Joe and I were just talking about the night we all met at Bob and Kim's house before we moved there. What a night!! We will always cherish all the memories we have from the good old days in Randolph. It would take hours to write them all down. I hope you sleep good tonight. We love you and are praying for you.

Love and Prayers,

Unknown said...

Good morning Rita!
I heard you had a busy day yesterday watching old home movies with your family. How great! They are always so fun to watch. We all thought we were "stylin" back then. Mike with his dorky big glasses, me with my Q-tip hair! I hope you got some rest last night...Love you...hope you can just feel my love, our love from across the miles that seperate us. I am going to ask Mike to give you a kiss for me again...I think he likes that request from me!
Love ya...

cole said...

You are an amazing woman! you are like a second mother to me. I have been praying for you everyday. I know God is with you, I have been asking him to let you feel his presence there, to bring you comfort and peace. You are such a wonderful role model for me Rita. you have shown amazing grace and an amazing attitude walking the road God has for you. You have a great husband that I look up to alot. You and Mike sure set the bar high as an example of marriage. You both are outstanding role models for me. God be with you Rita, I know he is. I love you Rita!!!

Jon said...

What an honor it was to spend some time with you and the whole family. I came away from the visit with an awe for the way you and your whole family show love to each other. I have known you and Mike for 25 years and as you know, Mike and I always competed very hard with each other in everything we would do. I must say that there is no way I could ever show love, affection and dedication to my wife better than he has these last few months. What a guy! I am so proud of him and honored to be his friend.
Rita, you have handled this with such grace. You are more concerned with everyone around you than yourself, even now. I guess that is the way you have always been and that is why your hospital room, and now your home, are full to the brim with people who love you. As Alicia said in the hospital, "mom has touched so many lives".
I want you to know that I will always keep in touch with Mike. I will make him take me on a week long camping trip where I am sure I will be able to carry a heavier pack and hike faster and farther than him. Jeanne and I will always be available to help any of your kids. We'll check in on them often.
I pray that you have a restful day. We love you Rita!!!!!!

Cody said...

Hey Rita!
I hope that things are going good for you this morning. Give that beautiful baby girl of Alicia's a kiss for me. She is definitely YOUR Grandchild...always smiling and laughing. Of course she does have her cranky moments which assures us she is Alicia's child too!! =) I was laying in bed last night and the one thing that I couldn't get out of my mind was Mike's wedding band. The whole time we were sitting in that hospital room with you I just kept staring at it beause to me it represented what marriage REALLY REPRESENTS. The younger generation of newlyweds today can't even begin to fathom the level of love and respect you and Mike share for one another. Seeing you two together WILL truly change my idea of relationships and marriage for the rest of my life. God bless both of you!

Looking up at the sky this morning I just realized how selfish I am. I love you so much that I don't want to let you go. I want to keep you right here on this earth beside me. However, looking over the splendor of the sunrise and how beautiful the mountains looked...I realized that the creater of all this majesty has far more wisdom than I do. He always had his childrens best interests at heart. It made me think about how when we were 12 years old and our parents wouldn't let us drive or stay out super late we thought they were so mean. As we got older we realized that it was LOVE that made them do those things to protect us. And now we look back and see that our parents knew what they were doing all along. No matter what happens, I'm sure that someday we are going to look back and realize that God knew just what he was doing here too. All my love!


Love Cody

JUANITA said...

Hi Rita,
I feel the need to tell you that it touches my heart to see how many people are writing to you to tell you their innermost feelings about their experiences with you through the years. Certainly, you have touched a lot of peoples lives in ways that you may not have ever even realized.

A looooooong time ago, when I was at graduation, a speaker stood in front of the audience and said that towards the end of ones life, one can consider themselves most fortunate if they can fill one hand (5 fingers) with people they can call true friends. If this is true, then you have blown the statistics away. Each day, as I sit and write my daily note to you, I have the pleasure of reading other peoples written thoughts to you. It feels a bit like eavesdropping, but there they are, here I am, and well, I just cannot help myself. In these writings, I am seeing how much one human being (namely, YOU)has an affect on another, and often without really realizing the full impact of what was said, or done, or experienced at any given time.

So, there is a lesson in this for ALL of us. I have learned how important humor is in even the most challenging of times. I have learned that to receive is often much more powerful than to give. I have learned that by allowing people to express themselves, you often hear things that any other time may not have been expressed.

You have many gifts, Rita. This manifests itself more and more as time goes on. I would say, though, that your most wonderful gift is the gift of truth and acceptance. You face truth in such a way as to allow others to face it too. I feel honored to have been allowed to be a very small part of the life known as Rita Boyles. I realize that Al and I are just small bit players, but still, the lessons learned have been deep and WILL BE ever lasting.

Thank you Rita, for allowing us to have a small part in your life. Without doubt, you have made a huge difference in ours and we will be forever grateful for it.

Love, Juanita and Al

mag and randy said...

THe Borst family sends their love and prayers. We are happy to hear all the stories being shared and can relate to each one, only with us and you in another place, another time. Your the first couple friend we both ever had. When you moved away, it was as hard on Randy as it was on me. We always looked forward to our trips to Colorado then, to see you and the family. So many of us could fit just comfortably in your home or at the cabin, the more the better. I'm looking at the pictures taken at the cabin and notice how young we were and the kids. Man, how the years have flown by, kind of like a roll of toilet paper, the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes! ha ha I guess the times at the cabin were my favorite ones because nothing got planned, we just did whatever. The hikes, the jeep climbs, the propelling, the campfires, the "where's my toe" tall tale that forever scared the ----- out of the kids, sitting on the deck, showers in the stream, games on the deck, card playing, and then when the trip was over, we signed "The Book." Anyone that's been to the cabin knows what I'm talking about. We're all writing in another book now Rita, and it's being read by everyone that loves you, Mike, and the kids. We all get to share in each others memories of you through this blog. I know we'll be up to the cabin again and when we do, we'll tell you again, what a good time we had and thank you for your friendship and look forward to the next time we visit. So much you've given us all Rita, so much we've all gained. Have a peaceful day . We love you! Mag and Randy

JUANITA said...

Hi Rita,
Gosh, today has gone by in the blink of an eye. We went to church, then came home and Juanita got involved in what was supposed to be a little painting project. Well, this "little" painting project ending up taking almost 7 hours to complete. Mostly, in my life, I am happy to be the "do it myself" type. But, I must admit that today, towards the end of the day, whem I was getting pretty tired, I was fantasizing about what it must be like to be super wealthy where you call "the help" and give THEM the projects to do.

Oh, that only lasted a couple of seconds and then I was back to enjoying the day at hand. Really, the day was just beautiful and I was painting our back porch and enjoying the sounds of senses of nature. Birds chirping, a slight breeze on my face, bees buzzing...all quite nice to experience.

I am tired and soon ready for the RECLINER. (News Flash! Women like them too! ) I just wanted to leave you with my Mothers all time favorite poem....I think it is my favorite too, considering how much I love being in our home and yard..

Here goes....

"No matter where I wander,
No matter where I roam,
Be it palaces or pleasures,
There is NO place like home!"

I think this says it best for MOST of us.

God Bless you Rita. I hope you are doing well today. I think of you and pray for you often.

Much love,
Al and Juanita

Cody said...

Hey Rita!

I said a prayer for you last night that today would bring a plentiful supply of oxygen so that you can breath easily, spending time with your family and relaxing. I hope that your pain is under control and that you can feel the presence of all of these people who love you LITERALLY all over the nation. Oh! by the way...since you always seem to enjoy humor...the other day we saw about 25 tents out in a newly constructed Chick-Fil-A parking lot here in Albuquerque. Thinking that they were waiting for the store to open my mom and I said "Oh for God's sake there's another store 6 miles away if you're really THAT DESPERATE for Chick-Fil-A." Turns out the joke is on us because yesterday we found out that the first 100 people in the door received a YEARS FREE FOOD from Chick-Fil-A. Hahaha!!! Oh well...

Love Cody

Viki said...

It's great to hear that you are home. I hope that you are getting some rest. You were the first friend I found when I came to America (or did you find me!!!) That was 29 years ago. The first American word that you taught me was "gross". I am still learning new words. Have a peaceful day. Love you.

judym said...

Good Morning Rita, Mike and family~
I so enjoyed looking at your family pictures! You are all so very blessed to have eachother! It was so wonderful to see your smile! I also have enjoyed reading the many letters from all of your friends and family~You are so loved! Isn't God great?! : )
We still are praying back here in South Dakota, Rita! You stay strong and keep fighting! You do look radiant; He is with you always!
Jay and I visited yesterday and he has been in touch with old classmates from Sioux Falls all the way from Yakima, Wa. He said he ran across a picture from some reunion site he was on! He is praying for you too!
Megan is getting married in Las Vegas on June 10th! We have her shower on Saturday. I found pictures from when you visted Yankton~the kids were all in middle school and elementary!! It was so fun to find those...I should scan them and send! Time goes so fast~God just keeps putting such wonderful people (angels) in our paths so we can hold one another up!! You have those angels with you...praying everyday! Take care today and I will write again soon! Judy

Vicki Bargstadt said...

Hi Rita,

Mag gave me this site and the pictures are awesome. You look beautiful as always. My family and sisters are praying for you everyday. Most of all, we want you to have comfort and peace.

Love you,

Kim said...

Hey there Rita, Monday today back to work! As usual I spend most of my day thinking of you. Today I started think of all the unexpected adventures we have had together over the years. Gosh like I said before we could write a book couldn't we! Do you remember when you came out to PA to visit? Abbie was either just one or two years old. Do you remember our adventure to the Jersey Shore? I will never forget it. We decided to time our trip so that we would arrive after the lifeguards had left because then we would not have to pay get on the beach, anyway that was the guys reason, but for me it was because then we would have the beach almost completely to ourselves. I always thought it was the weirdest thing crowds of people there all day and the minute the flags came down and the lifeguards left the people pack up and leave too! As usual it did not take long for the excitement to begin. I am not even sure whose idea it was but it was decided that we needed to take a TV with a VCR along in the van to entertain the 7 wild animals in the back. No portable DVD player or built ins back in that day. Remember the guys got the TV all strapped in with bungi cords and before we even got 10 miles down the road it came loose and almost gave a few of the kids concussions! That disaster averted we were on our way. At the beach we had a great time,you and I laid on the beach and the guys played in the water with the kids lots of fun! Well anyway it is always fun until somebody gets hurt! I will never forget little Abbie running up to us from the ocean all wet and excited until she took a face plant right into the sand.Poor little Abbie stood there crying and I can still hear you laughing Aww Abbie just a minute mommy wants to take a picture. I can still see her little face! We took the kids to the board walk after they were wore out from the sun, water and sand and when it got dark we headed back to PA. The guys of coarse were wore out too so you drove and I rode shotgun. It was a pleasent night the kids and the guys all fell asleep so we just drove and talked and talked until,what the heck why does it look like the lights are getting dim??? There we were guys sound asleep in the middle of New Jersey God only knows where practically in the middle of the night with 7children and it looked like we were about to have a major issue with our ride! All of the sudden it was kind of scary! I mean it was New Jersey for gosh sakes! Well we got off the interstate and found a gas station just in time for the van to completely abandon us. What were we going to do no cell phones for us in those days think we had car phones but when your car has no power it did not work too well. The guys woke up and determined the transmission went out and there was nothing to be done about it that night. But God always provides doesn't he? Before we could really panic along came this truck with a couple and a couple of teenagers who had been at Six Flags. Turned out they were from Watertown, SD of all places. So they piled us all in the king cab and the bed of the truck and took us into town to the nearest hotel for the night. I have no idea what town it even was! What a night! Oh so many menmories.... the older I get the more I realize that the things we have do not even come close to the memories we have made because those can never be taken away! I love you precious friend! Stay strong and know that you are loved!

Cody said...

Morning Rita!

Hopefully things are going well for you this morning. Eat part of a banana for me! For some reason a banana sounds really good and there isn't one anywhere to be found at work (go figure). I have a blast from the past for you. Alicia and I had to recall this one together so I'm not sure whether or not you'll even remember it...but one night we decided to gather up all of the Barbie Dolls in the house (which with 3 girls there was a whole crowd of 'em) and take them into the bathroom to be-head them. Don't ask me why! LOL I just remember sitting on the bathroom floor with Alicia ripping the heads off of all of the Barbie Dolls and trying to stick their heads onto Ken's body. At one point someone started pounding on the bathroom door inquiring as to what was going on in there. Alicia and I panicked and decided to start flushing the heads down the bathroom toilet....which...predictably enough overflowed everywhere. Do you remember how much trouble we got into for that!? I think Alicia and I were crazy even back then. And 20 some years later we're still up to no good =) *wink*.... Love ya!


Viki said...

Rita, I hope today is a peaceful one for you and your family. I heard a quote recently and it reminded me of you. "A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be." You are the best. Love you.

Cathy said...

You clowns take great pictures. Love you, Cathy K

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita,
It has been quite some time since we have heard from you and your family by way of the blog and I am feeling somewhat concerned about how you are. The last thing we want to be is intrusive, yet, because we care, we also hope to know how we can pray for you as well. We think of you each day and continue to pray for your comfort and your family.

I talked to my mother yesterday and she said she was peering out at a winter wonderland through her window. (She lives in the U.P. of Michigan). It jogged my memory that maybe Colorado was supposed to get some of that snow??? It is hard to wrap my brain around that snowy fact, when I am trimming and fertilizing and tending to my garden. It is amazing to think of how much a difference distance makes in weather from the north to the southern reaches of the U.S.

You have done so well in your life, Rita, with your faith and your attitude of embracing life as it comes. Without realizing it, You and Mike have been wonderful examples of marriage and parenting and also in your relationship with extended family and friends. Sometimes, when it seems that the world has gone mad and all that is good and true is disappearing, there are people like yourselves who unknowingly give witness to the fact that there are STILL, in this world, people who have a strong value system and still rely on God and TRUST in him. As they say, people watch how we live our lives much more strongly than they hear what we say.

Al and I send you much love and admiration today. We also send love to Mike and your children. You are such an inspiration to all of us. I just hope you are feeling reasonably well and are able to feel the love and support of your family around you.

Love, Juanita and Al

Emmabeck said...

What a beautiful family (even when you're being silly!). You are so blessed to have such wonderful people in your life. Even more, Rita, we are so blessed to have you in ours.

Thinking of you,