Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Beautiful Mother singing

Alicia and beautiful Mejana

Greg and Rhonda

Brenda and Makayla

The Chuck family!

Rita getting ready to sing!

Rita and her cousins Tim, Kim and Dawn

Hanging out on the patio stylin and profilin

Lora AKA super hero....trying to make us all laugh!

Some of the family being dorks as usual!

Wine-30 out on the patio

Click here to see the most beautiful women in the world sing her heart out, to her favorite movie "To serve with love". WATCH NOW!!!!! Today was a good day we got to take my mother out on the deck. Then my dad and mom talk about the good old days when they were sneaking around behind their parents back to have a little fun with each other ;).


Cody said...

Go Rita! =) When you start touring with Madonna let me know...seriously I expect tickets =) Glad to see your living room packed to the roof with people as usual. It's also great that you got to spend some time outside with the fresh air. Thinking about you. Love Cody

Viki said...

The new photos are the best. You people are having too much fun. Its great to not only know but see that you are feeling better. You go girl!!!
Peace. Love you.

Unknown said...

We just watched your singing at 5:30 am this morning...kind of early for a concert, but well worth getting up early to see. We thought it was sounding awesome until Mike chimed in! We are so glad to see all those who love you so much surround you. We would love to be there too...we love you so...we love you so girl! We wish we were there for wine-30!
We love you all and think about you every hour of every day. Most importantly we have all been sending up so many prayers on your behalf. You mydear...are amazing.
Love Jeanne & Jeanne

JUANITA said...

Good Morning!!!!
Oh how fun it was to open your blog and to see some new photos and to have you identify some of the people in them. You have a very good looking family. But of course YOU WOULD!!!!

We LOVED seeing you on the sofa, on the deck, in various places in your home. You really look SO good. It is simply wonderful that you are back HOME surrounded by so many people you love and who love you back. Home is, to me, the most priceless of places to hang out. It goes back to my Mothers favorite poem.....

No matter where I wander
No matter where I roam
Be it palaces or pleasures
There is no place like home.

The nice part of seeing you in your home is knowing that, without a doubt, you and Mike are the heart and pulse of your home. If your family were a wheel, then you are the HUB, and the spokes represent the family that surrounds you. You and Mike have courageously set the uplifting tone that embraces all of you and it has allowed everyone to take part in helping you keep up the good fight. It is really nice that you have so many loved ones there to help you to keep communicating with all of your friends. So many of us who are separated geographically from you by many hundreds of miles, continue praying and trying to visualize how you are doing. Your blog is an incredible tool in keeping everyone informed. God bless technology!

Music!!! We LOVED the video. "To Sir with Love"...I am old enough to remember when that song came out in a movie with Sidney Poitier. Great song!

Rita and Mike...You are kind of like a modern day Sonny and Cher. Sonny couldn't sing all that well either, but he made up for it in personality, just like you do, Mike!!! Ha! Ha!

To tell you how much Al and I admire you, your family, and your many friends would be an understatement. There are NO words adequate enough to convey the tremendous awe you inspire within us. Your spirit is unlike any spirit we have ever encountered....EVER! You are SO inspirational, so charming, so heart warming! Your spirit is just bursting forth with so MUCH personality!

One more thing...Our daughter uses the term "mini-me" when she speaks of herself in relation to me. She says that she is MY "mini-me", meaning she is just like me. (Good Lord, I hope not. I was hoping to improve on this.)

Anyway, in reference to the above paragraph, I want you to know that we think YOU have 5 "mini-me's" of your own, surrounding you from day to day. All of your children have so obviously picked up on the way you and Mike have chosen to live this life. What you have created for them is an environment of "attitude of gratitude" during a very challenging time for ALL of you. They are an IMPRESSIVE bunch.

You must be SO proud of your children even as your family is so SOOOOOOOOO proud of you. As for those of us who are allowed the priviledge of having a peek into your life, I know that we are forever changed because of you.

We love you and pray for you every day. God Bless you....God Bless you REAL GOOD!

Love, Al and Juanita

JUANITA said...

O.k., lest you think I don't know how many kids you have, I know you have 4..three girls and a boy. However, I threw that lovely golden haired blonde by the name of Lora into the mix, because she is as much a Boyle as any of you. How fortunate to have her in your life and in your midst. Good girl, Lora! You really ARE a Super Hero.

With love from the Texas Two Steppin, toe tapping Tornados.

(Ever since listening to the Boyle Bombshells, our toes keep tapping away!)

Sheila said...

That was the best concert I have ever seen! Made my day!

Unknown said...

Hi Rita,

Well first off I see I signed my blog this morning "Jeanne & Jeanne" instead of "Jeanne & Jon", what a doofus I am! Guess that is what I get for trying to watch your singing so early this morning.

I called to check on you this morning and got to talk to Rhonda for a few minutes, and then she surprised me by putting you on the phone for a short moment...what a great surprise!

Ohh Rita - this morning when I got to hear your voice, just for those few short words...and you said my name, it was like music to my ears, oh sweet music. I could barely muster the words I wanted to desperately to tell you. It was all I could do to get out “I love you…I love you so much”...before my emotions got the better of me.

You see I remember when you called me when Mike rolled his truck. I could hear the anxiety and worry in your I felt it too!

Then you called me so many years ago to tell me you had MS, I will never forget it, I was standing in my bathroom in Austin, and all I could do was sob on the other end of the phone. I did manage to compose myself in a few minutes and call you do what friends do...console you!

On Christmas day when I saw your number on my phone...I remember answering "Merry Christmas" but I could tell immediately in your voice something was wrong. You told me about your cancer, again Rita...I simply fell apart and handed the phone to Jon.

When I see you hurt, I hurt, when you are sad, I am sad, when you are worried or makes me that way too. I was so upset with myself, but then today I was reminded once again, it has been YOU that has taught me not only to accept the differences in people, but to APPRECIATE the differences. God in his infinite wisdom has created us all so differently.

So thank you for those words, thank you for your sweet voice I got to hear, thank you for teaching me…to appreciate our differences and actually grow to love them.

You get some rest,
I love you Rita…

mag and randy said...

Dear Mike and Rita,

Thank you for making today, Randy's 50th birthday, a day we will remember forever. The picture of him getting a spanking from Rita so many years ago, is not memorable, but, it is so funny and what a photo shot it was. How, did you know where to find such a photo at this time? If only everyone reading this blog could possibly know what I'm talking about!! You two are so amazing. When your life is so heavy, you are able to make ours so happy. How we love you. Thank you so much, Thank you!! Your phone call and email topped them all. It felt like you were here with us, with all the laughter and words spoken between us.

We cherish this most recent blog and so enjoyed the singing. It looked so fun and I'm so happy we didn't have to hear to much more of Mike singing! ha That was so cool!! " To serve with love,"you sure have girl. Your whole darn family has. I'm so proud to say we know the Boyles, your one heck of a bunch.

We love you !! Thank you, for coming into our lives. We love you! mag and the bithday boy!

Tammy said...

Wow, look at all of you. So much LOVE in one place!! You're all so awesome. Nobody HAS to be at the Boyles! Everyone WANTS to be at the Boyles! Cherishing these moments and Rita I'm so glad you're still here with them, able to enjoy all the reminiscing and laugh and sing your way to heaven. I wish we were there already. The kids want to come too. We'll just see how things go. We still pray for a miracle, throughout the day, all day long. we sure love you guys.

Thanks for updates Lora n Mike.