Sunday, April 5, 2009


Mike called Doctor yesterday and changed my inhaler medicine to open my lungs up and dry them out so I do not have to cough as much. It has been a blessing thanks for your Prayers, They Worked!!! Also was able to spend all night in our new bed because Mike got an adjustable frame that allows me to sit up, I'm able to adjust things so I do not get sore and able to breathe, 1st time since December. Yippee


JUANITA said...

Hi Rita, I am sitting here sipping coffee, knowing that I will be leaving for work in an hour or so. As I look out the window, I can see that the day is very windy, because the movement of the branches of the trees are causing the birdhouses to swing radically from side to side. Outside of our little home office, we have a small side yard and I have created a "birdhouse village". I have brought home many different styles of birdhouses and have hung them from various branches at different heights. The closest that Al and I will ever oome to owning rental property is right outside our door. It is fun watching the little birds take shelter in these houses and now as I watch their homes swing around, I wonder if the birds get the air version of "sea sick". I suppose birds are just used to this sort of thing since they mostly live in the branches of trees anyway.
Well, anyway, I am writing to tell you that we have been praying for you and I have been having this ongoing private conversation with God about you and your health. I am glad that you have found relief in your new inhalers and I am REALLY glad that you married a guy like Mike. He is so good to you. I guess that is how love shows its face, in the form of a man caring for his woman. You are both so fortunate to have found each other.
I need to go get ready for work, but wanted you to know that you never really leave our hearts or minds these days. Hang in there Rita. You are important to all of us.
Love, Juanita and Al

Rita said...

Awww I wish we could enjoy a cup of coffee and conversation while watching your rental properties! We have old satelite dish we converted to a bird feeder and Mike keeps them well fed.
I'm telling you girlfriend you should be a writer and I'd be the 1st one to buy your book. You have a way with words. Love ya Rita and Thanks for all your prayers.

Uncle Don said...

Hi Rita. Here is my first attempt at blogging. I love reading all the messages to you and all of your replies. It's kind of like eavesdropping. My prayers for you are sent priority mail a couple of times a day. I wish I was there to give you and that great hubby of yours a big hug. We had lots of snow a few days ago and it reminded me of the beauty of the mountains and the cabin. I'm going to make this short and will send out another message later. I'll be thinking of you and how you helped me burn out the clutch in that car when we were in England and how Dive the towtruck driver hauled us back to the car rental place. You're fun to travel with. Now, remember--if you're having a not so good day, you can always get a copy of you and Mike singing karaoke to "Paradise by the dashboard light", and that will bring a smile to your face. It always does to Michele and I.
Later and love to all....Don

Uncle Don said...

Hi Rita. This is my first attempt at sending a blog. I do enjoy reading all of the letters and all of your replies. It's kind of like eavesdropping. The music accompanied is also outstanding. My prayers for you are sent priority mail a couple times a day. I wish I was there to give you and your great hubby a big hug. We had a lot of snow a couple of days ago and it reminded me of the beauty of the mountains and the snow around your cabin. This will be a short note and I'll write again later. I'll be thinking of you and how you helped me burn out the clutch of the car when we were in England. And how the towtruck driver, DIVE, took us back to the car rental place. You're fun to travel with. Now, remember--if you have a day that is not going so great, you can always watch a video of you and Mike singing karaoke to "Paradise by the dashboard light", and that will bring a smile to your face. It always does to Michele and I. We will visit later. Love to all....Don

Rita said...

Good Job Don!That was a fun trip
Dont forget about crazy woman train station! Love you guys

Rita said...

Good Job Don!That was a fun trip
Dont forget about crazy woman train station! Love you guys

Tammy said...

you guys are such a living testimony!! you're both awesome! And you have the greatest kids! what an awesome family! when the going gets tough- you guys get going-FOR SURE! I heard Troy tell Mikey we may come out in August! I'm excited!! I get to hit 'ESC' and IT'S REALLY GONNA HAPPEN! And I get to see you guys too! That's like chocolate and caramel on the same ice cream sunday, right???
love you Tammy

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita,
Gosh, this week has gone by so fast. It is somewhat due to the fact that I have been working a little bit more than usual. Today is Good Friday and Easter is coming up. I imagine you will have most of your children home for the Easter holiday. That is what we parents love have our little chicks return to the nest, if only for a while. I hope you are feeling well. Whenever there is a lull in your writing, I get a little worried. Hopefully, you are getting some rest. We love you Rita and send up prayers each day on your behalf. I wish I were there where I could come over and give you a backrub. I am good at backrubs. It hearkens back to the days when I worked as a nurse. Back to the days when nurses actually had time to give a backrub to each person each evening. How times have changed!!! I hope you have a good Easter holiday. HE is risen! HE is risen INDEED! Love, Al and Juanita

mag and randy said...

Easter Blessings to you Rita, Mike, and family!
I'm new at this blogging too but it's a heck of a lot faster for me than texting, geez, that's a job in itself. ha

We have a house full coming for Easter dinner and that's what I like so you can only imagine how perfect things won't go for me and how I'll become.(remember Rita when you first saw how unperfect I really was?)

As we are attending Easter services this week, we have our thoughts and prayers centered around you and your family. Jesus suffered so much for us and you are too, we feel it. Life seems so unfair and we're so sorry it's you who is carrying such a heavy load. We're sorry we aren't there with you. But, our prayers and faith arrrrrrrre abundant and are with you always.

Rita, you have touched more lives than you can ever be aware of. I thank God that he bought you and Mike into our lives. Knowing you has expanded our faith, our sense of humor, our trust, and has giving us friends that we would never have met. The friends that we have met through you two are the best gifts we have ever received. Thank you Dear Rita for letting us all be who we are, for us all to be different, for always welcoming us around your table. Your such a beautiful lady, thank you Jesus for Rita.

Have a blessed Easter. We love you. Mag and Randy