Monday, April 13, 2009


Yesterday Abbie's Boyfriend sang the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane" Mom said "I'm leaving ON GOD'S PLANE" (ps i just had to ask her how to spell plane..) She always has helped us kids spell. She is still correcting us as we speak!
My Mom asked me to write this Blog for her, she wants me to tell EVERYONE SHE LOVES YOU, and she is so Thankful that she has such loving and supportive Friends and Family! She is so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers.
We are still at the hospital right now. We are trying to get my mom home, and make her comfortable. She is very happy and ready to fight! NO ONE IS GIVING UP ON FAITH!!!
We are planning on trying to get home tomorrow with Hospice. We just ask that you pray for our Family that we all can stay strong in Faith and in Love. Also we just want to pray to God that he gives us our time with our Mommy! Thank the Good Lord we safly got Ashley home from Hawaii. She just flew in today at 10 am. So our WHOLE FAMILY IS TOGETHER BY THE GRACE OF GOD! He has also brought us her Mother and Father and Sister From South Dakota. God has truly blessed us with so many loving friends and family that are here to support us journey.
We know we are all going home some day to be with God. We know that she will be walking with the Lord at her side and free of pain. P.S she said that when she gets there she will put in a good word for all of us.
our trials make us stronger!!! AMEN!


Kim said...

Rita all I can say is I LOVE YOU! You are so brave and your faith has never waivered. Yes you have been blessed but I think those of us who have You in our lives are blessed beyond words!

Sheila said...

Rita, how I admire your strength and your faith! You are truly someone to admire and to try to be like.

Keeping you all in my prayers!

JUANITA said...

Dear Rita,
NEVER in all my life have I EVER met anyone who has stood so steadfastly strong, so positive, and so trusting of God during one of lifes most difficult challenges. Your name should have been Grace because that is what you exude. Hail Rita, FULL of grace. The example you are setting for your children, your husband, your parents, and your friends is one that will be with them ALL their days. You have shown strength of spirit at a time when most other people would be feeling sorry for themselves. Even as you struggle for energy and breath, you somehow find a way to say something funny and light. Your children will have the gift of forever remembering the wonderful human being they were blessed with, in having YOU for their mother. We do not only teach our children by the things we say, we also teach them by the EXAMPLE we set in HOW we live our life. You have blessed your children with a pricelss gift, by allowing them to witness your Christian faith, and I am certain this will NEVER be fogotten. No wonder they all love you so much. No wonder God loves you so much. All who have met you will walk away knowing they are a little bit improved for having known you. Al and I feel honored to have known you and your lovely, warmhearted and laughing spirit. God Bless you Rita, and God bless your entire family. We hope you are able to rest better now that you are home.

With much love and admiration,
Al and Juanita

JUANITA said...

We made a mistake by thinking you were back at home already. We see now that you are still at the hospital. Sleep well. Home will be tomorrow and that will be grand.
Love, Juanita and Al

Tammy said...
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Dawn and Ron Mikkelson said...


You are one of the most inspiring people I know. We are keeping all of you in our thoughts and sending our prayers to God. I love you, Dawn

P.S. Tim says to tell you "boog, boog, boogaler!"

mag and randy said...

Rita, I love you and forever will be thankful for your friendship. Thank you for being that nucleous of all us friends who met in Randolph. The wonderful lady who discovered all of us and who made us feel like we were really someone special. You love so unconditionally.

God blessed you with a wonderful husband and children. You have been an example of Grace as Juanita said, throughout your life. Bless you Rita! The strength you've had and your faith, all of your challenges, everything you've gone through, I've never met anyone who's done all this till you. I will always be a better person because of you Rita. I love you so much.
Rest Rita! Our prayers are with you and the family. Mag, Randy, Jacob, Levi, and Luke

and may the other "place" please stop sending you their envelopes!!! PLEASE !!!!

Pam, Robert and Hayley said...

Dearest Rita, Mike and all you kids. We love all and are praying that God will continue to give you all that you need. We'll send Mom and hope that that is a help too. I'm so grateful for all the memories we've been blessed to make together. Any time I think about being around Rita all I can really remember is laughing ALOT! You all take care and know we're here for you and love you all to bits and pieces. Our heavenly Father and Brother Jesus will stay with you. We love you all lots.

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita and Mike,
I just had to come in from the great out of doors to tell you about our "talking hedge". You didn't know that hedges could talk did you? Well, I didn't either until a couple of years ago when I first experienced it. Most generally, when the weather is nice, and I have poured my first cup of coffee, I will go out in our courtyard to sip on it as I wander around looking at my various plantings to see how they are coming along. If I get out there early enough, I will be up before the birds are. As I amble along the path, I begin to see movement in the hedge and then some little murmurings. Then it will grow in volume to a bit of peeping and chirping and before long, the hedge is talking to me. I had not realized that the chickadees and finchs roost in the hedge at night for their nighttime sleep. I am sure that when the first one wakes up due to an inconsiderate human making too much noise, he then alerts his family and friends to possible danger. That is until they realize it is me, and then all grows quiet again. Soooooo funny and so sweet. So, as Paul Harvey used to say, "now you know the rest of the story".
Today, hopefully, you will be able to go home and rest with your family around you. I called Jeanne last night and was surprised to hear that they were in Colorado. Oh how MUCH they DO love the two of you! I am so impressed by the friendship you all share. Yet another perfect example of how caring and loving and supportive friends can be.
I need to close this note as I have a loooooog list of things to do before I go to work at 4 p.m, but did want to say "hello" this morning to you. I will write more later.
Much love and affection,
Juanita and Al

judym said...

Dearest Rita and beautiful family~You are always in my thoughts and in my prayers. I feel so honored and blessed to have you for my friend. In reading your blog, it is so evident that there are many friends and family who feel the way I do about you, Rita. You are such an amazing person~so full of God's love and so filled with joy. Even in spite of this trial, you remain strong and so courageus! You truly are an inspiration to me, Rita. You have touched my life with your caring ways, your laughter and your sweet spirit! Know that I am right here always praying, always, always...dear friend! The memories we made in our childhood will be with me forever~God is with you!
I love you,
Judy (Shadow : ) )

JUANITA said...

Dear Rita and Mike,
We heard from John and Jeanne yesterday, by text message, telling us that Rita is now home and on a high level of oxygen. We find ourselves thinking and talking of her constantly....and of course, praying for her. This morning when I walked Al out to the car as he was getting ready to leave for work, he said "look" and pointed to the sky. There were two jets flying and leaving strong jet streams in the air. At one point, they intersected and formed a cross. I said to Al, "this reminds me of the song that Abbys boyfriend sang to Rita, and then how Rita responded by saying she was leaving on Gods plane". Rita's comment has forever changed how I will see jet streams in the future. In her one little phrase, she took something that FEELS SO PROFOUNDLY SAD to the family and friends of this lovely woman known as Rita, and turned it into a positive visual experience. That is Rita. Always Rita. Positive, caring and expressive. We send you both our love today and we send your children our love too. We continue to pray for Rita.
Love, Juanita and Al

Anonymous said...

Hello Rita and family
You know Rita, I think of you constantly. Your witty sense of humor, your love for Mike, your love for your children and every child on this earth. Your job in Heaven will be with children, I just know it. Which brings me to comment on Suzanne's little message to you on facebook. About losing Michael behind the couch or in a pile of laundry. LOL For the four years I lived in Colorado, I could count on one hand how many times your kids went to bed in their own rooms. LOL If it was a late night, you just never knew where the kids would be sleeping. sometimes we would have to walk over them to get through the family room. Sometimes they were half hanging off the couch. It was like, when then got exhausted, that's where they slept. My kids are like that too. Allison never sleeps in her bed unless I am with her. I have the attitude, I don't care where you sleep as long as you go to sleep. LOL. As I look at my kids sacked out where ever, I see all the innocence of a child and you Rita have taught me so much about being a "Good Mom". You have also taught me how to Love Mike unconditionally, Not you Mike my Mike. he he You always could make me see the good in him when I wanted to see the bad. Thank god for a friend like you. I love all of you and will talk to you later.

Uncle Don said...

My Dearest Rita, Mike and family,
I want to thank you again for teaching me so much about life. How precious every moment of every day is. Thank you for showing me what love really means. Thank you for all the kind words, all the jokes and long phone calls. Thank you for being someone that I admire and love deeply. Thank you for being there for Michele when she needed a friend. I will love you forever...Don

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita,
I find myself thinking of you constantly these days. It has been a while since your blog has had a post, and I know that if you were even remotely able, you would be jotting something down. I suspect that you are really struggling right now and I am certain that your family is gathered all around you, praying and letting their love flow into and all around you. I hope that as you continue the good fight, your family will continue to share with you the many offerings of love and support that comes from people who are not right there by your side. I hope that you contine to hear what a difference you have made in this life and how much your life has mattered to so many. The love spoken to you and the love that is poured onto paper in writings is a testimony of its own to the many lives you have touched. I can imagine, in my minds eye, the angels who are gathered around you right now in the midst of your earthly family. God IS with you and HIS LOVE is surrounding you.

We send you our love, Rita, and we want you to know that we continue to pray for you. God knows best.
Love, Al and Juanita

mag and randy said...

Hi Rita, long distance from Randolph here, lots of love and prayers in this blog. The community is praying for you and has love and concern for Mike and the family. It helps me to hear all the wonderful things you did and the friends you made when you lived here. My folks (now 92 and 87) send their love and want you to know the bats are now all gone in your old home and she still thinks of you and how she first met you when your washing machine flooded your pantry. You made her feel so young when you moved next door. I was so lucky to have two of my favorite women so close to each other, made visiting so easier.

Just want to let you know I'm praying for you and thank you for letting me see how God really works. You've got such strength and faith that I am so thankful for. I can't wait to meet all the friends you have and be surrounded by all that love and faith.

Rita, Mom really misses Joy, will you tell her! I love you, Mag

Olga said...

Hello dear Rita & family! This is Olga, aka - "the Russian" friend! I just wanted to let you know how much I love you guys!!!! For some reason i keep thinking of the time when i first came to America... Wow! What a change that was for me back then in mine and Alicia's 18-teens! As you know, the 1st couple of months of me being here in USA i had a pleasure of meeting your daughter Alicia and her best friend Lora in South Dakota! THAT is when my American Adventure started!!! Really, if it was not for these two girls, i am just not sure at all where would i be, and doing what exactly:)... i just love them so much and i thank God for letting me have them in my life. I wanted to thank you - Rita and Mike, for being such wonderful parents to Alicia and the rest of the kids. You gave me such a great example and inspiration on how family should really be and how i should treat people that love, support and surround me. You are such loving, supporting, caring couple, always cheerful and there for your friends and family no matter what at all times... To tell you the truth, I have always thought that i would want one child in my life because that is what i am used to (it has always been just me and my mommy), but after meeting you - Boyles family, that is definitely changing :)! I need me some BIG family, just like you guys are! Rita, you showed me how to be a proud and loving mother for my future kids and a great wife for my husband. Your love for people is unconditional, you are such a wonderful person and best friend to your kids, and i am so thankful to have meet you! Your love affected me forever! I mean come on... i didn’t even know how to say "i love you" back to Alicia and Lora for the 1st few years being best friends with them. They were like "what is your problem:)?" Say I LOVE YOU BACK already, "Don't you love me?", Alicia asked me once...Even tho i loved them dearly, i just did not know how to express my feelings back to them or even give them a hug to tell them that i DO love them very much as well....And now i do it each time i can!!! Because of YOU!!!...You and your family was my road to discovery what love and true family really is! That was a big step for me and a great change as well - to be open hearted and give all of my love to people that surround YOU do! I wanted to thank you for that! Rita, you are just so awsome!!! And, Mike, you are such a GREAT man, father and husband!!! A dream man! I am sending Jake over to take notes from you:)! I used to believe that Men like you are only shown in the movies till i met you guys! I am praying for you and all of your family every day! I just wanted you guys to know that i love you very much, and i thank you for the impact that you have made on my life!

Love, Olga

Kim said...

Rita, I just have to tell you I just read Jeanne's stories and I can hear you two laughing all the way to Sioux Falls. They just made me laugh! And oh my gosh I will never forget the perm disasters! Jeanne did kind of look like a Q tip didn't she? I have always thought that if all of us Randolph friends got together we could write a book about all our times together but if all your friends got together it would have to turn into a series! I hope it makes you smile just to think about it.

Unknown said...

Rita: I am so glad that I was able to see you, your family and your extended family. You have always been one of my favorite people on the planet! Your joy and sense of fun have been your mainstay. Thank you for being you. You and all are in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith will help to sustain me. Peace and love always (your boog-boog- boogelar cousin).