Thursday, April 23, 2009

Abbies's Face Plant

So if you haven't read about the story.....go to the "Pictures of Family" comments and read Kim's comment that was left on April 20th. The pictures won't be as funny unless you read the whole story. Anyway.....this is Abbie all happy and nice, playing on the beach. And then she got all excited and started to run over to us........she face planted it in the sand and it was so funny Rita was laughing so hard saying "oh Abbie honey it's ok just wait a minute while mommy takes a picture!" It was the funniest thing.

Rita's day today went well. Kent and Jeanine, Janelle and Maria came over tonight and brought a ton of awesome food. The Chaplen came over tonight as well......we continue on saying nightly prayers around Rita, surrounding her with love and faith. We are so thankful for all the love and prayers coming our way, we can truly feel them.


mag and randy said...

Oh Abbie, I'm so certain it was necessary that you had to wait a few minutes to get cleaned up because that's what really good mothers do, we have to have that Kodak moment for times like right now. You looked precious then and you do now too. A good mother knows when she can pause , take the picture, and then come back to her child with that BIG hug and a laugh like your mother had that came from the gut up and left everyone, including herself, needing air or a bathroom... priceless!!!! love you mag

Kim said...

Just like I remember it! Love you all so much!!!!

JUANITA said...

How cute and how funny! Thanks for sharing some of your memories with the rest of us. Those kodak moments are priceless.

Thanks also for sharing how Rita is doing from day to day. It helps us to know how to pray for her.

Al and I are heading up to "Mini-me's" today after work. We both work until 4 p.m. and then will leave around 4:30, so probably won't arrive in McKinney until at least 9 p.m. or so. Maybe even later, considering the traffic on a Friday at that time of day. However, it has been way too long since we have seen our little girl and we miss her. So off we go.

Please take care, get lots of rest, and take comfort in the fact of how many people truly love you.

Hugs, Juanita and Al

Unknown said...

Abbie, Rita & Kim,

I laughed and laughed, you see that was not just a kodak moment it was a "Boyle's moment" I still loved the Christmas card you sent out a few years ago when no one was looking at the camera like they should have that was a picture that spoke 1,000 words! Rita...somehow you see the humor in everything...amazing you have passed on to all of us that know you!

Love you girl...have a good day!

Jean W. said...

Good Morning!! Abbie you were so cute. Just like I remember you. It is so wonderful to see pictures and then to hear you all sing, that was great. Yes, Mike does need a little practice but, we all know Mike and this is just Mike. Love ya Mike!! Rita, wow you are one amazing person.
One thing you have taught me is to live each day to its fullest no matter what the circumstance is and once again you are proof of that.
I thank God every day that I had the opportunity to know such a wonderful and loving person like you!! I hope you are having a good day and I think of you every minute I am awake. I also pray a little too, in fact I pray a lot. Love you guys a whole whole whole bunch!!

Sheila said...

Abbie, I am sorry that I laughed really loud at your expense this morning! Really, I am. But that is the cutest picture, and the way Kim told the story sounds just like the escapades she talks about that your families had together, Rita! I don't think you guys ever had a dull moment together.

Take care, all, and have a good day!

Viki said...

Only a mother can laugh out loud, when her child is upset, then not only get away with it, but take advantage of it. Great photo. Rita you are probably one of the most self less persons around, you have given so much. They say lonliness is the ultimate poverty. Well you are the richest person I know. God Bless

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita and Mike,
Today is Sunday and we are still in McKinney, Texas at our daughters. We just got back from the early service at the Lutheran Church near here and the preacher was excellent, the music was wonderful, and we even hit it on communion Sunday. It is always SO nice to attend church with one or more of our children. It fills our heart to be with them in church. It has been 12 years since our youngest moved from home, so Al and I generally attend our church in Lakeway by ourselves, except when they come to visit. (Right now, the kids are making US breakfast, which is why I have this time to write).

I was thinking of you this morning as I was participating in the service about how fortunate we are to have this kind of faith. We all have times in life that are such a challenge to us, that one could never get threw it without God. You are in the midst of a VERY challenging time and I am sure that you draw a lot of strength from your faith. We want you to know we continue to pray for you and your family all the time.

We continue to appreciate the photos and videos that were sent. It really helps us to "see" you as we travel through this very difficult time with you, even if we are so far away geographically.

God bless you and God bless your family. We send you much love...MUCH love.

Al and Juanita

vilanprincess said...

dear mom i know that i get to talk to you everyday but i just wanted to write to you on this anyways bc i know you love your comments. I just wanted to stop by and say that this journey with has been a great and wonderful one. I LOVE YOU SOOO MUCH!!! I dont think i could tell you how much i love you mommy, words could never describe the love that i have for you. You are someone no one will ever forget or take the place of and, I hope that in my life i will be half the women you are, you are my role model, my mother, my best friend and i know that you will always be with me. You are what i strive to be in this life and the person i look to when i am at a lost of what to do with my life and you always have the right answer even at times i didnt want to listen you were always right. and i hope to be as great as a mother as you were to me! I love you sooo much

Lynn said...

I logged in to see how you are and started reading and enjoying the pictures that I lost track of time.
I loved the "face plant". Those moments when you laugh so hard you can hardly catch your breath are a gift from God. I will continue to pray for you all. You are truly amazing. Love ya,

JUANITA said...

Good Morning Rita and Mike,
I am wondering how you are both doing today? I am sure that each day brings its own set of challenges to you. I hear that Rita is on a high level of oxygen and that she sleeps alot. The sleep is good as it allows the body to rest.

I read your daughters lovely note last night and was reminded why we mothers LOVE having these children. There is nothing on earth quite like the love between a parent and a child. Ashleys note must be like balm to your soul. We all know we are loved by our children, but it is especially nice to hear it in as many forms of communication as are available to us.

The years go by fast don't they? I have always loved the song "Turn Around" because it really depicts how quickly life goes by. "Turn around and you're one, turn around and you're 4, turn around and you're a young man going out of the door." That is surely how it has been for us, and also for anyone who has ever raised a child.

I remember once, when my Mother-in-law was in her late 70's, we were sitting on the porch swing on their farm house veranda. I think she had just celebrated a birthday and we were resting from all the acitivities. I asked her what it was like to BE in her 70's. She looked at me and said "well you know, when you are young like you are, you look at this age and it seems like it is a loooooooooong way off. But when you are my age, you look back, you realize it all happened just like this" and then she snapped her finger.

Life is lived in the MOMENT...not in the distance. No matter what our age, we need to live IN the day to fully appreciate it. This seems to be the gift your whole family is bequeathing to each other as they spend time with their mother, wife, daughter and friend. You are living IN the moment, and we applaud you for doing so.

We are especially impressed with Mike and how he shows daily how much he loves you. He is working so hard toward making you feel happy and comfortable and loved. Speaking of gifts.....Isn't this just the most wonderful gift any man could give his children? The gift of loving their mother. Not just the showy love...but the "I'll be there for you, every minute of every day, no matter what! kind of love". It is the kind of love all of us yearn for and dream about, but not many of us find it. True love! That is what we see demonstrated every day between Rita and Mike.

We send to you our love and admiration. We are SO glad to have been blessed by knowing you.

Love, Al and Juanita