Sunday, June 29, 2008

A Mother's gotta do....What a Mother's gotta do

A mother finch decided to build a nest on our front door! I could hear something tapping on my door. Mike noticed a nest. Being the mother I am, I said, "As many times as my front door opens and closes!" I was afraid it would cause the nest to fall or the eggs." So I told Mike to move it over to the left side so, it wasn't on the door, especially for the wedding! Well he did and we didn't see the bird anymore! So we moved it back on the door thinking a bird could use the nest next year! To our amazement 1 of the eggs hatched! (there were 4 eggs) I think it is a boy! Because it is colored and you know how the boys in the animal kingdom are prettier then the girls! (unlike the human kingdom!)
We had a nest on the back deck and the sparrows knocked the babies out and took it over! Mike was so mad! He hates sparrows! I use to like them and feel sorry for them because Mike disliked them so, NOT anymore! Hoping she's the mother who moved it from the back to the front! Because, A mothers gotta do.....What a mother's gotta do...secluding it more from the evil sparrows!
So its our little birdie! We should name him! I better ask the kids! Everyone is so careful with the door since Mike attached the note! Its such a small nest I can't believe 4 birds could of fit in there!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Cabin Addition!

I'm still waiting for the Wedding Pictures! So I thought I'd talk about the cabin addition! Mike has been so busy trying to get all the permits needed. He explained it like this....."First I was jumping through hoops!" "Then I was jumping through hoops On Fire!" "Finally I was jumping through hoops with fire and broken glass!" Its been nothing but a pain in his.... ASK me no more questions and I'll tell you no more lies! They made the road go right through our cabin in 1960! That cabin has been there since 1920 something! I suppose they never thought in 1960 anyone would use that road a lot. We put an addition on it in 1997,1998. With no building permit! We got red tagged and luckily the girl that worked at the permit office knew Mike from Schwans and liked him and pushed it through. We had the kids, ours and the Winseman's, standing on the opposite side of the cabin trying to sell a motorcycle so when the building permit guy came up to look at another cabin he would be distracted! I don"t now why we thought we could get away from that, after all we went up a story! Well times have changed! With some great friends, we are like doubling it again. Putting a main floor master on it so I don't have to go up the stairs and more dining room and living space. So when the kids have families we'll all be able to fit! After all we have another son and a baby on the way! I can't believe I'm going to be a grandma! We all can't wait! I'm already a grandma with Ronny's little girl Lily! She's so adorable! Its going to be a busy time in about 2 weeks! Lenhoffs are coming from Nebraska with their families and do an extreme cabin building in a week! Mike, Michael, Kent,and Dennis have been back hoeing and setting up the pillars that have to be put 4 feet in the ground!(moving big boulders with back hoe) They have been both awesome! Giving up time with their families to help, Mike couldn't of done it without our friends, we have been so blessed to have! Mike came home Wednesday with chemical burns on his hands from working with cement! I said, "Didn't you feel it burning!" He said he was too busy! Well he feels it now! I've been feeding him, bandaging, rubbing ointment on, you name it! I guess he takes good care of me so its the least I can do! Abbie says we need to take a picture of him and put BONEHEAD under it! Hopefully I'll be able to put some pictures up here! (Yeah figured it out, getting better)

Friday, June 6, 2008

Quick Note

Just want to write a quick note! I plan on saying a lot more when I get Alicia's & Ronny's Wedding pictures back! The Wedding was beautiful! God made a perfect Day. Rain & Tornadoes Days before. And Rain for days Afterwards!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Alright I've finally started a blog! Don't know how exciting it will be! I will have to get some tips from Kim & Sheila, They do such a great job! Don't really know where to start, just spent over an hour trying to figure this out! I've been up since 3am tossing and turning, So I just got out of bed at 5am and thought I would go through my e-mail(Thats always a job!)Looking through old e-mails and trying to find what I could delete and came across Kim's blog. I remember telling her quite some time ago that I should start a blog! So here I am! The Beginner Blogger!