Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rita and Michael at Church, Prego with Abbie
Our Beautiful Family, Notice all Abbie's hair

Rita with her Mom (Maggie) Grandma (Edith)

Rita and I at Banquet 1990

At our Home in Brush
Rita and I at Managers Night 1990

Lora Wasting a Good NA Beer

Lily and Mejana

Ronny Surfing the Mountain "CRAZY"

Boyles Family Picture Were's Abbie?

Christmas 2009

Mejana and Grandpa hanging out while kids have fun on Beaver Dam

Kids tearing up the frozen beaver dam

Lora taking credit for everything

Alicia The Awesome Mommy and Mejana

Christmas Mess

Christmas 2009 Morning

Ashley, Abbie and Michael Christmas Zombies


Lora finishing decorate the tree

Mejana helping

The Choice Christmas Tree

Still searching for the choice tree

Abbie, Alicia, Ashley and Mejana enjoying forest

Christmas Tree search vehicle since 1994, we actually got stuck for about an hour after this because I back into deep snow

Just like Ole Times

The search is on but we had to ditch the 3 wheeler and 4 wheeler, too much snow

Antique toys I found in one of building i tore down to build cabin

Ashley and Lora making Goodies, Just like Rita

Ashley and I after she got off plane from Hawaii, I made her a Lai (flower necklace)

We had a wonderful Christmas at the cabin and Santa Clause came while everyone slept. We sure missed Rita and her baking.

Let’s see where are we in the Boyles history, ah yes Rita is pregnant and looking more beautiful each day. We had our Schwan’s banquet coming up and they were having a 50’s manager night on Friday and our banquet on Saturday. So Rita went to goodwill to see what she could find and sure enough she found cat rimmed glasses for her and an old suit for me, we looked Great together and she had the belly to prove it. I remember watching her at 6 months along doing the ho la hop contest, she still could move those hips. Rita love the banquets because of all the dressing up and seeing everyone at their best, of course I would be happy in blue jeans but no no Rita always had to dress me, and always did a fantastic job making us look Good Together. The kids are all getting excited about the new baby, which we still don’t know which sex is, as we always wanted to be surprised, but I was sure it was a boy because of how she carried the baby and big she was getting. May 30 1991 Rita goes into labor, how exciting this is our 4th child and just what my goals where for our family, but wait Rita is not as happy as the other births in fact she is really annoyed at me and all my jokes about her contractions and how easy it is and she announces that this is our last kiddo. Yes Dear was my favorite remark to her when I was in trouble and I’m sure I said that and sunk even deeper into trouble. As the doctor was examining Rita her water broke and I remember him pushing back on his chair and saying Whoa! About an hour later Abbie Marie Boyles was born, weighing in at, well I can’t remember either 8lbs 15oz or 9lbs 1oz, I’m sure Rita could tell us. Well she’s a screamer with jet black hair and lots of it. So I’m thinking man little Michael and me are really out number, maybe we should try 1 more time to even things up. The kids are really excited to see their new sister and of course mother Alicia is going to tell Ashley and Michael how to treat little Abbie. That summer all was well, Abbie moved into the cradle at the end of our bed, and was being spoiled by Mom, Dad and family. Except for the family cat, you see we keep seeing scratches on Abbie and couldn't’t figure out how she got them until 1 time I snuck into our room to check on her, only to see the cat at the end of her cradle watching her and when Abbie would move she would scratch her. When I saw that I freak out and tried to catch the cat but couldn't’t, when I finally did it was the last time at the Boyles. Don’t worry I didn’t kill it or hurt it just relocated the cat. I thinks its July and Rita has some good news for me, she says she pregnant and I’m floored but happy and Rita not so happy, in fact she’s crying, so I ask her how does she know and she failed a pregnancy test, so you better make an appointment with doctor to make sure, well she passed the doctors test NOT Pregnant, but for me that’s bad news because now she wants me to go see the doctor and I’m thinking as fast as I can on why I shouldn't’t go see the surgeon, but I lose and that’s when I lost my deep voice. I guess I did make my goal of 4 kiddo’s but you see I always under projected and over delivered, not this time, I’m done making babies.
Now its April 1992 and I won a contest where my boss put us up for a night at the motel, bought dinner and a round of golf. When it came to golf I said no thanks and would rather go on a hike with Rita, so off we went on a adventure up Buckhorn Rd, except I thought it was Stove Prairie Rd, we found a great spot and hiked about a mile or 2 and even found a tree I took home and planted. When we finished I looked at the map and saw the road went through to Poudre Canyon so I said let’s see where it takes us and head home. Now Rita being the shopper always spotted the for sale signs and wanted to check them out. I can see us driving by right now and Rita’s telling me to pull over so we can have a look at this cabin on the side of the road. God knew what was going on but I didn’t so I said we couldn't’t afford it, so why look and kept driving. Well I drive about 4 miles to the road closed sign for Winter and have to turn around and go all the way back we came which is about 40 minutes, so on the way back I slow down enough to let Rita write the number down and off we go back to Brush about 3 hours. The next day I call because now I’m curious as to the cost of the cabin and find out its only $22,000, so I make plans to go up the next weekend and check it out, I find out its been on the market for 2 years and they did have an offer but the guy had to move out of state so that fell through. Rita couldn't’t come up because Abbie was sick so we took the recorder with us and Alicia did all the recording telling Mom why we should get it. Rita was impressed but still wanted to check it out. The next day I called the realtor and offered $15,000 and she came back with $15,500 and I said sold, you see Rita and I were talking about a new car for her and I hate how you buy a new car and how fast it depreciates, besides I’m a salesman and I can talk Rita into it, because I haven’t told her we’re going to buy it yet, but I just did so I’m in trouble, not really, Rita is always so supportive of my decisions, besides this is one of our goals, to own land in the mountains and this one has a cool cabin on it with a stream out back full of Brooke Trout, 2 acres and an outhouse. What I didn’t realize is how important this cabin would be to our family and keeping us all together away from the controls of the world and back to being together as a family should without T.V. or Phone and more about family games, exploring, hiking, driving around and just plain Fun in the mountains. That’s it for now folks. Love Mike and Family


mag and randy said...


Abbie Marie said...

I was the cutest baby with my black hair! Mom looks so cute all prago! Your doing great at this blog keep it up! Love you