Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Well sorry everyone for not Blogging as Good as My Rita, I'm a work in progress, I do want to Thank everyone for their Love and Support, it Really Helps in the Healing Process. I promise to finish our story, and in the meantime will use this to share what others have written to me, their favorite memories of Rita are, I'm reading 1 a day and will put my 2 cents in to.

From Celia Mattson

I remember Rita sharing stories about childbirth at our women's Bible study, I remember her sharing that immediately after her 1st (I think) was born that she wanted to do it all over again. She said the delivery room nurses were amazed that she was that excited about having more babies that soon.

Mike: it was our second child not 1st, because Alicia didn't want to come and had to be pulled out screaming. Ashley was almost a Bridge baby. I was on an overnight with Schwan's about 1 hour away when Rita's called the motel and mentioned she thought her water broke, I asked how far apart the contractions were and I don't remember what she said but I thought I had time to shower and catch breakfast with Jon Schnoor. When I came over the hill coming into Randolph Ne about 2 hours later I saw her dad flashing his lights with my car and he looked like he was scared. I asked what was going on and Rita Barked back that her contractions where 5 minutes apart and what the heck took So Long!! We had 45 miles between Randolph and the Hospital. I was thinking that all births are the same and I had about 10-12 hours of getting her to the hospital, ice chips and squeezing my hand off till the baby was born, WRONG. I jumped in the car and buried the speedometer all the way too Yankton SD, Rita did not have her seat belt on and I ask her to put it on and she gave me one of those looks like kiss my ?ss so I said if your not going to where one neither was I. We passed people on the right side of the road to get around them because of traffic, we had our emergency lights on but nobody could figure out how to get over. We hit 3 birds on the way there, I ques they thought they had time also to get out of the way. When we hit the bridge over the Yankton River she was about 1-2 minutes apart, we made it to the hospital in less than 30 minutes, I went straight to the emergency room and they had Rita out of my car and in the birthing room in less than 5 minutes, I remember the nurse giving her a gown and she tried to get it on but the contractions were coming to quickly, when she did the nurse put a monitor on Rita and couldn't get a heart beat from the baby , which scared the tar out of us, they did finally get a heart beat and about 10 minutes later our 2nd beautiful daughter was born Ashley Ann Boyles 8/07/1986 8:55 am, 7lbs 13 oz. After the birth because Ashley came so fast and Alicia blazed the trail made it seem easy that Rita and I started talking about having another baby while she was still gettin cleaned up. I told Rita we need a boy and until she got it right we were going to keep having kids together. Besides I loved seeing Rita Barefoot and Pregnant, She just had a Special Glow about her when she was expecting and I have allot of pictures to prove it. I was always checking out my prego wife, feeling for the baby and putting my head on her stomach, which my family has turned into prego/baby crazy, touchy feely kind of a family. Man I Miss her and babying her all day on Mother's Day. Love Ya all Mike and Family
PS if you haven't ...Please post your favorite Rita Memory and Pictures Thanks Mike


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Well you never cease to amaze me. Rita certainly did "take the edges off" of you Mike! I was so touched by what you have written. You are better at this blogging than you thought.

You, Rita and the kids have been on my heart all day (actually every day) I know you asked that we share our favorite memory...are you kidding me? "A" favorite memory? That is impossible. I see her everywhere I turn, sometimes I laugh and other times right now I just sit down and cry. I miss my Rita too.

Rita loved being a Mom. We had that in common when we first met. We both talked about how most women our ages where horrified we not only got married so young...but were having babies that young also and not going to work outside of the home, but instead stay home and raise our kids . Back in our day "stay at home Moms" were not "in" like they are now. We were choosing to be "stay at home Moms" when it was not cool, women were in the middle of the revolution of having it all, careers and famlies. So when Rita and I would go shopping, back in those days we didn't have debit cards...we had to write checks. Of course they wanted your work number in addition to the home number on the check. I can't even begin to tell you the looks of digust I would get when I answered to the checker "I don't have a work number, I am a stay at home Mom" Then Rita would always be right behind me, they would ask for her information and without even batting an eyelash, she looked them straight in the eye and always said "My work number is..." and proceeded to give them her home number! Yeah...the same number already on the check! The dumb (and yes they were dumb) checkers always smiled and said "thank you, you have a good day" as she walked out with her looser friend that didn't have a job! Rita would laugh every time, and I just shook my head...and yes laughed.

We both knew we had the most important jobs God could ever give us and we wanted to be good Moms. Rita was a FABULOUS Mom! And Alicia...well she follows in her Mother's footsteps because I see all the same qualities in her with Mejana.

Please know we are praying for you and your entire family every single day. We love all so very much, always have...always will.
Love Jeanne

Kim said...

Mike, I agree with Jeanne,you are amazing and a favoite memory is impossible. Just too darn many of to possibly pick one.

I sure remember the day Ashley was born. One of the few times I think Rita really wanted to beat the crap out of you! As always that feeling didn't last long and like Rita she soon found the humor in the whole situation.

Rita did love beeing a mother and what a job she did. As I know all too well being the wife of a Schwan's Man meant alot of time raising the kids by yourself. Praise the Lord all of us had each other.

It was so good to hear your voice today. I know that Rita is looking down from heaven with those birght laughing eyes of hers full of pride for her beautiful family.

Love you all so much,keeping you all in my prayers and missing Rita every day.


mag and randy said...

Dear Mike, Alicia,Ashley, Michael, and Abby,

With this being Mothers Day, we want to tell you kids that the most important role of a mother is that of love and devotion. And, your mother demonstrated that up to her last breath, you completed her and you will always be her lifes' story. Time will bring many changes, but there's one thing you can count have all of us friends will never stop caring about you, worrying about you or wanting the best for you.

We miss our Rita so much. Everyday, memories of her or you pop into our thoughts and we're left with much sadness and joy.

Today, we planted a Blue Spruce in our yard and her name is Rita.

We love you all. Our prayers are with you.

Mag and Randy

Jean W. said...

Mike, You are amazing. What neat pictures you put on the blog this time. Rita was an awsome mom. She loved her childeren with her whole heart and soul. I can see Alecia following in her same foot prints. When we were there last weekend and I would watch Alecia with Mejana it brought flash backs to me. Oh I miss her so much, there is not a minute goes by that I do not think about her. I also think of you and the kids and wondering how you are all doing. Please always remember that God never gives us more than we can handle in life. At a time like this it is hard to believe that. I guess there are too many great memories that we shared in Randolph to list. We sure will never ever forget them. Our prayers and thoughts are with you every minute of the day. Love all of you!!

Ronda Walters said...

I have had pictures of Rita out the last 2 weeks and I look at them everyday. One of the pictures is of her at a Schwan's banquet when she was pregnant with Abbie. She did have a beautiful glow to her! When Abbie was born we were in Iowa visiting our family. Your kids were going to come to our house when Rita went into labor. Rita called in Iowa me to tell me all about Abbie. She told me the baby had a lot of hair. I don't think anything could have prepared me for when I saw Abbie for the first time. Her hair was everywhere!! I remember just laughing. Rita was an awesome mom. Her kids and grandchildren were everything to her. Your kids will be talking about their mom for many, many, many years to come.
I am praying for you and your family everyday.
All my love, Ronda W.

JUANITA said...

Thanks for bringing about a new post. We loved the photo's of Rita as an expectant Mom. She was absolutely adorable in that state, and her pictures show how comfortable she was in her skin. . No wonder you kept making babies. =0)

It is almost midnight here and the day has been busy. Time to go to bed now as work will be beckoning to me in the morning.

It is such a good idea to keep this blog going. It makes for a nice journal of sorts for you to reflect back on and also for your friends to share in your thoughts and feelings as you traverse this new territory of life without Rita at your side.

Love and many hugs to you.
Al and Juanita

Kara said...

You are totally right, Rita absolutely glowed when she was pregnant. I remember before she had the kids. Viki had 2 girls and I had Bonne. Rita loved those little girls like they were family. She always just loved kids and was destined to be a loving Mom. It took her a long time to get pregnant and I remember her being so happy when she figured out what was going on. Then it seems like you guys were at the hospital forever having Alicia! I remember you coming home and telling us about it and you were just on cloud 9 and you were glowing with that new Dad look! I talked to Viki and we were also remembering how suprised we were that you guys had 4 kids! It's like the first was so hard, and then we get a Christmas card from you and all of a sudden you had 4! What a happy suprise to hear! I can't think of anyone who was better suited to raise 4 kids.
Thanks for posting all the wonderful pictures. I looked through the albums and I have only 1 good picture of Rita. It was so difficult back then, we were so poor, we didn't even have money for film or developing pictures. I have precious few pictures of our lives back then. It is wonderful to see what I have in my memory through your pictures. The pictures of her pregnant are just how I remember her.
I am glad that Rita found another stay home Mom after she moved. It was hard to be home with kids then. I would get the "OH! Your a housewife" comment in a totally insulting tone from people I met. We were lower than dirt back then. But, some of us stay home Moms have happy, secure, productive adult children now. It was a very good choice for us to take care of our family and put them on the top of our priority list. The sad part is, now that I have grown kids and a career, other women my age act like I am some kind of oddity for making that choice. They still don't get it. Rita and I had such a luxury of seeing our kids grow up day by day and seeing and enjoying all their special moments. Thanks Mike, you worked hard so she could make the choice to do that.
I continue to pray for you guys.