Monday, May 18, 2009

Favorite Memory Rita Singing

My favorite memory with rita is when she would be driving abbie and I somewhere and a song would come on and rite would crank the tunes and we would dance and sing and Rita would always get the worlds wrong and we wouldnt care and just keeps singing I love you- Candice

This Song by Andy Gibb was the #1 song in 1977

Rita was a beautiful singer and she knew all the old songs(70's-80's), This video is from Rita's phone taken by Abbie. Whenever we went on a trip I usually didn't listen to the radio, but Rita loved the radio and when a song came on she liked, she always sang. I loved watching her because she always danced in her seat and used her arms to express herself, and occasionally I would join in, when the part of the song came on that I knew. Rita was in concert choir in High School and in 1978 her choir went to Mexico and recorded an album and sang at churches and schools. I thought it sucked because I just met her on May 6th and on June 1st she headed to Mexico for 2 weeks. While she was there she caught a 9' 2" Marlin and was able to bring it in, in only 15 minutes. She called her Mom to see if they wanted to get it stuffed and send back to SD, but her Mom said take your pick either you come home or the fish. Back then you had to call collect and her Mom reminded me that once she accepted a collect call from Rita only to hear a dial tone because Rita wanted to talk to me and charge her Mom and Dad for the call, thats my girl!! When she came back she looked like a native because she was so tan, and with her black hair, she was my Dream Girl!


Ronda Walters said...

This "blogger" just did not want me on. It was really giving me problems. I think this time it will work.
I remember living in Brush and riding with Rita in her van and she was singing to the radio with all she had. She was crazy and full of life. She still is full of life-everlasting-never ending life. That is awesome to think about. That is our future too !!
Thank you for sharing the pictures and stories. It is a joy and also healing for me. I was not able to say good bye to Rita. I have talked to her so many times in my mind-actually outloud.
I am always a phone call away. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts every day.
All my love, Ronda Walters

Rita said...

I took this video!I would always tape my mommy because she was so dang cute i couldn't help it!
Love you mommy

Ronda Walters said...

Hi Mike and family,
I actually have a couple I would like to share. The first one is when we went to your cabin to spend the weekend.The bathroom was the wonderful outside jobby.I had to go so bad during the night. I was not about to go out side alone. Rita and I bundled all up. It was so dang cold outside. We put those stocking hats on that covered your entire face. She looked at me and said" Are you going to drive the get away car or am I". I started to laugh so hard I barely made it to the potty ourside.
The other memory I have is going to your house many,many times about 10:30-11:00 in the morning. Rits would still be in her nitie. She would say"Thank goodness you are here. Would you please watch the kids while I shower and get ready for the day. Of course I stayed. We would visit and drink coffee for the next 2 hours and than decide to go to Pizza Hut for lunch. Than we would visit some more. Those were great times.

I will always have Rita in my heart and mind. She was a wonderful friend. I loved her dearly.

All my love and prayers, Ronda

Paula said...

Thanks so much for sharing that clip of Rita singing. I miss her dearly, I miss her voice, I miss talking on the phone with her (hours and hours) Keep the Blog going I love it.

Love you all, Paula

Mike Brummer said...

The first time I met Rita was after a ride day with Schwan's. Rita was at the depot, Diane & I had came in for the final interview with that "maggot" Mike and I was offered a job. Rita & Diane hit it off from the start. SURPRISE SURPRISE!! I was amazed that there was enough oxygen left in the room for Mike & I to breath! This was the start of it all. I guess I have no one to blame but myself! Being a Schwan's man, we didn't get to spend a lot of time at home, but Rita made sure that every Schwan's wife had a second home when needed and would help with the growing pains of a husband being gone so much. Needless to say I appreciated it as 15+ hour days were the norm at first. Rita made the transition much easier for us and I can't thank her enough. Now as for that "maggot" Mike, I can't thank him enough for the opportunity and leadership. I spent 11 years with Schwans and have a lot of great memories. I wouldn't have been promoted without Mike's leadership. I respect Mike as much as anyone else I know. He leads by example and works as hard as anyone I know. Both he and Rita would help anyone at a moments notice and expect little in return, as long as you don't count "free labor" at the cabin!! I can't say I have a favorite Rita memory because Rita & I had a special relationship. We were always talking "dirty" and we would just laugh as it was harmless fun! It didn't matter where we lived, when Rita called, it was always the same thing, hey baby, what you wearin'? Even in her later days, we never changed our conversation. It always brought a smile to my face. When we had Schwan's banquets Rita would always have a great time and make it fun for everyone. Both Mike & Rita dancing on the tables, Rita getting lap dances from me (fully clothed), Mike trying to be funny and Rita being the life of the party. Mike I can't thank you and Rita enough for letting us into your lives. Your enthusiasm, work ethic, leadership and family values. I know this is one of the toughest times of your life and it will get better! Time heals all wounds. As you know, we are here for you any time. I just wish we weren't so far away. It's been a while since I've kicked your "maggot" butt around!

Mike Brummer

JUANITA said...

Hi Mike,
Well, Memorial Day is behind us and we thought of you this past weekend up at your cabin, communing with nature and wrapping yourself up in all the memories of the many years you have had with Rita.

We sure have enjoyed your stories of your early years, and we really enjoyed the video of Rita singing. It is so impressive to read about how many peoples lives have been touched by Rita in one way or another. It seems that the common occurance that people had with her was in her ability to communicate and her ability to have fun. Rita knew no strangers and she surely had a tremendous sense of who she was and was happy to share with all around her.

I am sure you have been going through a whole myriad of feelings this past week while you have been on your own at the cabin. It cannnot be easy to know that you will be going forward into life without her.

Fortunately, you have your children to help get you through this first part of the journey that you are on.

Very few of us can even begin to know what it would be like to lose a life partner at such a young age. There really are NO words that can do justice to the pain that that kind of loss must bring. The feelings are too vast to be explained in words.

Just please know that as much as when Rita was alive, we do continue to think of you and continue to pray for your strength to go on. I think of the Celine Dion song, "Our love will go on", and I am sure that song depicts your feelings exactly these days.

We send you much love and many hugs,

Love, Al and Juanita

mag and randy said...

Dear Mike and family,and to everyone reading Rita's blog,

The whole Borst family left Nebraska last Friday for Abby's Graduation on Saturday in Loveland. That's Mag,Randy,Jacob,Levi,and Luke. Randy and Jacob were on their motorcycles and the rest in the car. The last family vacation for us with all the kids was over 6 years ago so it was so touching to have the boys want to go to The Boyles as a family again. Jacob is 24, lives in Lincoln, NE., Levi is 22, lives in Fremont, NE., and Luke will be a sophmore in college. As everyone else, at the Boyle's house or cabin, families made time for one another and families played together. It's a place where no amount of yelling was to loud or a place where too often laughter turned to tears of just plain happiness.

As we got closer to Loveland, all of us in the car kept looking for the first sign of the mountains and then there they were!!! We all think that's the best part of going to Colorado. To see the mountains just brings a sense of wonder and beauty you just don't see everyday, it completes you somehow. Again, the mountains and The Boyles, bringing the Borsts and Boyles together again. Anticipation was upon my heart very heavily now and I was scared to reach their home. Thoughts of Rita and how it always was when we got there and what we always did as a family or as girlfriends, just clouded my heart. I had a good cry before we got there and made a point to straighten up and be strong.

When we reached their house, there's Mike and Rhonda, outside , somehow waiting for us, or at least that's how it turned out. Mike and the guys exchanged their manly hugs and greetings while Rhonda gave me what she and I needed at the time, someone to share my built up tears with and also a hug for strength, this visit was really going to be hard for all of us.

I can't go into everything about the two days we spent there, I just want you all to know that it didn't feel good not having Rita there. It felt wrong. She was missed every minute. At one point, I really wanted to leave because it hurt so bad. Thank goodness for Rhonda, Jane and Ron, we all needed each other and it was good for us to be busy with the reception and all. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is we got through it. Like I'm sure Mike and the kids do, one day at a time. Rita was so there at so many times. The house got hectic and there was so much noise getting ready for the celebration, so much of Rita was going on, she managed to be there..through it all, our Rita will always be there.

Being with Mike and the kids will be just like being with Rita. We look forward to seeing them all again and it's never going to be the same but we can't live without this family. They are a part of us so much that we'll all stay together as we all have, and they all will.

The house was full of guests, Abby tolerated all the pictures that needed taken, food was excellent and abundant, laughter, games in the back yard, messes, pictures of Abby were on the guest table celebrating her day, it was a nice celebration.

On Sunday morning, Levi, Luke and I headed back to Randolph and Randy, Jacob, and Mike left on the motorcycles for a bike trip. The three of them made it to Gillette WY. Hit heavy rain and hail in Donald, Wy. Jacob didn't have a helmet on so he provided some entertainment for Mike and Randy, seeing him get hailed on!! Went to Devils Tower, The Black Hils, and onto Rapid Ciy, through the Bad Lands. Stayed overnight and then on Tuesday, Mike headed back home and my guys got back to Randolph around 4p.m. A great time was had and another memory made!!!!

Now I don't know how to end this. I just want to say, to all of us who've blogged to Rita, we need to keep it up, let Mike know what you're doing and keep him informed about yourselves. Through this blog site, I feel like I know you now and I look forward to hearing from you as well.

Love you Mike. Love you kids. Always know that whenever your in the area, you'd better stop at our house, your always welcomed.

Love to you all, Mag