Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rita's Celebration of Life

These are some of my favorite pictures of Rita and I, top 1 in the Black Hills and next our last vacation to Hawaii . The ones below are when we 1st met, Rita driving my Dad's boat full throttle and our 1st picture together and then 30 years latter at the same spot.
Rita's Celebration of life

Thursday April 30th, 4-8 pm Hang Out with Rita and Family at Viegut Funeral Home 1616 N Lincoln Avenue Loveland Co. 80538

Friday May 1st, 1-2pm Last Time to Hang out with Rita, 2-3pm Rita's Life Celebration, 3-4pm Refreshment's at Grace Place Church 250 Mountain Avenue Berthoud Co 80513

4-? Going Away Celebration and Wine Thirty at Mike and Rita's Place 4306 Crane Ct Loveland Co. 80537
Rita and I met on May 6th 1978 on the loop in downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota. She had just broken up with her boyfriend and my friends had waved her down to stop and when I came over to check things out my friends had already taken up the back seat of her car so I crawled over Rita and took the last seat between her and her girlfriend. That was the start of our Life together, it only took 3 months for us to fall in Love, Rita of course said it 1st and I followed after a backpacking trip to the Black Hills to think it over. I was 18 and she was 17 and on December 11th 1978(Rita's Birthday) I asked her to Marry me. I went into the Marines in February 1979 and on May 16th 1980 we Finally got to be together Legally. Rita had only been in 3 states her whole life and now I was driving her to Jacksonville North Carolina. We had 1 car which I took to work everyday, I figured she couldn't escape without a car and 1500 miles between us and her parents. It didn't take Rita long to meet all the neighbors and start her social networking society which produce allot of life long friends but not much income, she did settle in on baby sitting after a few jobs that didn't appreciate her. Spring of 1982, 7 months before I was to get out of the Marines, Rita decided to get Pregnant, not really, she thought she had back problems and I knew something was up with her but never thought Baby. Well our lives keep gettin better because of what we shared together. So 1500 miles from home we have our 1st baby on September 15, 1982, and what a noisy one she was, I remember a friend of hers telling Rita I have to go now, I don't know how you listen to her scream all day long. Rita would get so mad because I would walk in the door and she would hand me Alicia screaming and tell me it was my turn and me being tired, would sit on the couch and fall asleep with her. Rita and I kept growing closer together and learning what Love really means and our commitment to each other. I had to extend in the Marines to pay for everything and have enough cash when I got out.(before credit cards) So in June of 1983 we head back home to South Dakota with allot more stuff then when we left.
Sorry everyone But I will have to finish this later and finalized Rita's ever lasting party. thanks for all the Memories, comments and Love you pore out on Rita's Blog as I'm addicted now to reading your notes and it really helps, as I do not know what to do without MY RITA. I Thank God for bringing us together and Helping us Stay Together, she is home now and I'm sure she is still talking to the 1st person she met in Heaven and there is a long line still waiting to catch up with her. Love Mike, Rita and Family

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Love you Rita! We'll miss you

April 27th, 2009 at 11:02 pm Rita Boyles went home to be with Jesus. There is no more pain, and no more suffering for Rita!

John 19:30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, " It is Finished." With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.

John 17:24
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am and to see my glory, which you gave me because you loved me before the creation of the world.

Romans 5:3-5

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Abbies's Face Plant

So if you haven't read about the story.....go to the "Pictures of Family" comments and read Kim's comment that was left on April 20th. The pictures won't be as funny unless you read the whole story. Anyway.....this is Abbie all happy and nice, playing on the beach. And then she got all excited and started to run over to us........she face planted it in the sand and it was so funny Rita was laughing so hard saying "oh Abbie honey it's ok just wait a minute while mommy takes a picture!" It was the funniest thing.

Rita's day today went well. Kent and Jeanine, Janelle and Maria came over tonight and brought a ton of awesome food. The Chaplen came over tonight as well......we continue on saying nightly prayers around Rita, surrounding her with love and faith. We are so thankful for all the love and prayers coming our way, we can truly feel them.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Beautiful Mother singing

Alicia and beautiful Mejana

Greg and Rhonda

Brenda and Makayla

The Chuck family!

Rita getting ready to sing!

Rita and her cousins Tim, Kim and Dawn

Hanging out on the patio stylin and profilin

Lora AKA super hero....trying to make us all laugh!

Some of the family being dorks as usual!

Wine-30 out on the patio

Click here to see the most beautiful women in the world sing her heart out, to her favorite movie "To serve with love". WATCH NOW!!!!! Today was a good day we got to take my mother out on the deck. Then my dad and mom talk about the good old days when they were sneaking around behind their parents back to have a little fun with each other ;).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009


Yesterday Abbie's Boyfriend sang the song "Leaving on a Jet Plane" Mom said "I'm leaving ON GOD'S PLANE" (ps i just had to ask her how to spell plane..) She always has helped us kids spell. She is still correcting us as we speak!
My Mom asked me to write this Blog for her, she wants me to tell EVERYONE SHE LOVES YOU, and she is so Thankful that she has such loving and supportive Friends and Family! She is so thankful for all the thoughts and prayers.
We are still at the hospital right now. We are trying to get my mom home, and make her comfortable. She is very happy and ready to fight! NO ONE IS GIVING UP ON FAITH!!!
We are planning on trying to get home tomorrow with Hospice. We just ask that you pray for our Family that we all can stay strong in Faith and in Love. Also we just want to pray to God that he gives us our time with our Mommy! Thank the Good Lord we safly got Ashley home from Hawaii. She just flew in today at 10 am. So our WHOLE FAMILY IS TOGETHER BY THE GRACE OF GOD! He has also brought us her Mother and Father and Sister From South Dakota. God has truly blessed us with so many loving friends and family that are here to support us journey.
We know we are all going home some day to be with God. We know that she will be walking with the Lord at her side and free of pain. P.S she said that when she gets there she will put in a good word for all of us.
our trials make us stronger!!! AMEN!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He Has Risen

Happy moments, PRAISE GOD. Difficult moments, SEEK GOD. Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD. Painful moments, TRUST GOD. Every moment, THANK GOD. "

Please Pray that Rita's Lung issues are cause by her new Cancer Medicine 'Traceva'. Our lung doctor said her breathing difficulties was being caused by the Tarceva or growth of the cancer.

Love the Boyles Picture at the Cabin

Good Friday

Thanks for all your Thoughts and Prayers, need to ask again For more Prayers , As I ended up in Hospital on Friday with Breathing Problems, they did a cat scan and found 1 of 3 things, fluid, pneumonia and or more cancer. In order to find out which one they will have to do a Lung biopsy, which is not likely due to my weakness. Oxygen went from 3.5 to 10 as they are trying to keep my blood oxygen level at 90. our oncologist believes it is pneumonia, still waiting for our lung doctor and MS doctor to show up. So keep on praying and God willing, we'll have a Easter miracle with our Lord Rising to save us all. Our kids and friends will have Easter Meal at our house and Bring our plates up here to Celebrate our King. It looks like I'll be here till at least Tuesday.

Have a Safe and Blessed Easter

Love Rita

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Mike called Doctor yesterday and changed my inhaler medicine to open my lungs up and dry them out so I do not have to cough as much. It has been a blessing thanks for your Prayers, They Worked!!! Also was able to spend all night in our new bed because Mike got an adjustable frame that allows me to sit up, I'm able to adjust things so I do not get sore and able to breathe, 1st time since December. Yippee

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Started new meds

I just started new meds last night. It's oral and I take it everyday. It's called Tarceva so hopefully it will work great and I'm expecting it to work great since I've heard so many good things about it. It's another form of chemo. If it stops the coughing it would be nice. So please pray for my coughing to stop. Fluid is still in my legs and feet so I'm taking meds for that and eating lots of protein. Still waiting for strength, but with prayer it will come. Mike prays all the time with me. Thanks to everyone for their prayers.

"and they were healed ... and they were healed"-Acts 5:16