Saturday, September 27, 2008

Really coming along!

The cabin is really coming along! Mike & Kent have been busy putting up siding! They got one whole side done, and just have a little left on the North end. Then they just have the west side to do, then they can start on the shed getting that enclosed before winter. And of course building the deck on second floor that we had to pay $200.00 for a variance because we forgot to put it on the original plans! (building permits, ugh!)

Friday, September 26, 2008

Ronny & Alicia

You know how they say "Man it looks like you swallowed a Basketball!" Well it does!
But way more cute!
Ronny it looks like a girl your carrying it way high!

Mike told Alicia to try and suck it in! (she did pretty good)

Alicia's 26th Birthday Aftermath Of her blowing out the candles a little to close!

We went to Alicia's and Ronny's The day before her 26th Birthday. She made great Lasagna. We brought the families traditional Ice Cream Cake.

The kids Ashley, Abbie, Austin and Beau

Great Friends From Mississippi, That we wished lived closer to!

You know the life long friends you have? That no matter how long its been since you have seen them, You can just pick up where you left off, and its like you never left? Their that kind of friends! The Korbe's Had dinner with us before their son Austin had to go to Childrens hospital for Heart surgery. Thank the Lord he made a great recovery!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

One Year Anniversary!

Abbie & Andrew had their One Year Anniversary! Their so cute! They Went out to Eat and I caught them for this picture before they left!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Fish that Didn't Get Away!

Ronny went down to the river before we left for the cabin and caught this fish! We took it up to the cabin where he grilled it and served it with butter! It tasted like lobster! He's such a great cook!
This is the Fish he caught!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Alicia on Labor Day (Not in labor Day)

Alicia just e-mailed me and said, "You need to update my photos I'm so much bigger now!" These were taken at the cabin on Labor Day. It was nice Alicia, Ronny and Lily Michael and Ryan, Mike's sister Michele, Ashley and Loren were there the only one we were missing was Abbie and of course Andrew! She was in Sioux Falls at Life Light where Andrews Band Rough Draft was playing.

Siding on Cabin

Michael & I didn't get up to the cabin until after midnight! Abbie wanted me to go to Denver to look for a Homecoming Dress. So I told Michael to go up and tell Mike I wasn't coming up. He still hadn't left from his house at 10pm so I said just go to our house and I would ride up with him. I said, "Your Dad is going to freak out and drive down looking for us!" Michael said, "No he won't he knows I always come up late!"
"yes but I told Kent We would be there before dark!" We were about a 1/2 mile from cabin and I saw headlights! I said "I bet that's your Dad!" And sure enough it was!
Of course Michael blamed it all on me!
Once again, Mike, Kent and Michael worked hard at putting up siding! They have a long way to go, but moving right along.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Lake McConaughy Ne.

Mike, Abbie, Andrew and I Spent a night at Lake McConaughy rented a cabin and tried not to get stuck on the sandy beach. Mike was trying to get as close to the water as he could for me. We took the Acura instead of the Suburban, another reason we could afford a cabin, because we saved that in gas! With Mikes expert driving we made it! The only thing was he jumped into the water and lost our car keys, luckily I had an extra set (for once)!
Every time we go to McConaughy there is a storm! We have a lot of stories with our family about storms at that lake, that's why we decided to rent a cabin too instead of tenting it.( It had 3 beds, in case you were wondering!) There was an awesome lightning storm after we got done eating at Valentino's we pulled over in a parking lot and watched Gods fireworks!
Wow, Nice nose cleaner Andrew, Your amazing!

Wow Colorado Sunsets With Ashley & Abbie

The Colorado Sunsets are soooo.... Awesome!
These were taken off our back porch.
So if you are ever in the area and its wine thirty, stop on over and share a drink and a Colorado Sunset!

Monday, September 8, 2008


Three out of four kids work @ Sonic! I was thinking they should have a wing named after the Boyles! Abbie didn't want to work there but, They are really good about time off & when your a car hop they can make at least 15.00 dollars an hour! In fact a when a friend heard that Abbie was going to apply there they said, " No don't work here its like a black hole and it sucks you in and you can never leave!" I'm sure Ashley can relate its been 5 years for her and Michael worked there 4! Besides we get free Drinks!

Farwell to Michaels Jeep

This is Micheal's 56 Jeep Willies! I believe he has some good memories with this Jeep! Mike & Michael found this Jeep on the way to our cabin. It wasn't for sale. When Mike got home He kept saying "I should of stopped and asked if they wanted to sell it!" Well he asked the next day and they said they were just thinking about it and they would sale! He hadn't had it for very long when him & a friend drove it through the city park. When a friend said "Don't forget about the dip!" Michael said he knew but he must of forgot how deep it was (He said he was driving the speed limit, Whatever!) He flew up and slammed down and cut his break line. It was late at night so he went straight on a one way. He was afraid if he turned he would roll it! (Still says he was going the speed limit, WHATEVER!) it jumped a 18inch curb went up on a hill and came to a rest (with 3 flat tires!) Of course Mike was gone, so me and Ashley went down about the time the cops came because the tow truck driver called! Luckily he had a girl cop and she made him promise he would never do it again! Told him what tickets she could of wrote him and sent him on his way! We found a receipt for cans of spray paint in glove box so we knew what color his paint job was! When he was in High School He spray painted it his HS colors. They grilled off it and had a hammock Hanging off it! He had it painted then listed it on Craigs list. He decided to sell it because it was just to expensive to drive with the price of gas!He sold it to a guy in Lincoln Ne. Who said hes always wanted one since he saw one in Sioux Falls SD. ( Our old stomping grounds) He even went to the same HS as Mike! He said he will keep us informed about the restoration! I have to admit I had tears when I saw it drive away!

Show me the Money!

Michael wanted to see what one thousand dollars looked like in $1.00 dollar bills.He needed 50.00 dollars in tips that day. He counted his tips and he was one dollar short! He was yelling if anyone had a dollar bill! Ashley works at Sonic too so she had a dollar! He bought a nice little safe to keep his $ in!