Saturday, December 20, 2008


I just thought write a quick note that Ashley got housing for the University Of Hawaii so now she can afford to go there! She's pretty excited! She leaves in like 17 days! Wow a lot to do before then!
Better break out the Tissues!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Moby!

My Bestest Friend Margaret, gave Alicia this wrap called Moby. She loves it!

She said shes going to put it on in the morning and keep it on all day! Mejana loves it too!

She says its kind like when she was pregnant, she still has to turn sideways to get something on the counter!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Christmas Pictures 2008

I was telling Mike, "I sure wish the kids were little again!
"Then I could just get them ready and tell them, "We are taking Christmas Pictures Today!"
Instead of having to work it out with School and Work For 5 people! Amber that took Alicia's wedding pictures took these! Looking Forward To Christmas this year! New Baby!
This is the earliest I have had my Christmas decorations up!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Mejana at Her Baby Shower

Mejana at Her Baby Shower

The Baby shower was a great success! Everyone helped get ready!
A special thanks to Auntie Lora, She was great!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

First Lunch outing with Mejana (Of Many)

Ashley took
me, Alicia, and Mejana out on her first lunch date at PF Changs!
Mejana was such a good baby, as usual.
Her and I sat in the car, while the girls got shower supplies, Once again she was so good for grandma! I took pictures but they are on my cell phone. I'm Sure I will have pictures of the baby shower on Saturday.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

I couldn't believe it we only had 8 kids that stopped at Our Door for Trick-or-treat.
Not like the Old Days when the kids were still ringing the doorbell at 10 o'clock! Mike was so disappointed, he even dressed up! Ashley and her friends looked so good. They just hung-out here and built a bonfire in the back.
Man I miss going through the kids candy searching for their Snickers! Mike bought the candy this year. I said, "What, No Chocolate! He said "The kids just eat it!"
"DUH, isn't that What your suppose to do!"
Michael lives in Greeley, so he went to some party, Abbie went to Denver with a friend. Alicia went to her churches' Harvest Days in Denver of course. So the night was pretty uneventful. I thought about all the times I ran to 3, if not 4 Schools bringing Halloween treats for the kids......Oh I miss those days! I use to tell the kids their to old for trick-or-treating, but I figure if they have enough guts to ring that doorbell, Have had it, and don't forget to give mom your Snickers!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Just like her Mommy!

Mejana is just like her Mom. When Alicia was a baby she was hairy just like this! All over her back, forehead, and arms. I use to call her my little Gorilla! Ronny and Alicia call her their little Monkey!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Auntie Abbie & Baby Mejana

Ronny, Alicia, Lily and Baby Mejana came up on Sunday. We fixed them Alicia's favorite meal. Steak & Cheese potatoes. Made Fruit Pizza for dessert! Yum! It was so good! Ronny and Michael went fishing down at the river, and of course Ronny caught a fish! Lily made some pumpkin stencils on the computer. We took the baby to Mikes office. We used Alicia's camera, so when she gives me the pictures I will Post!
All out, a fun day!

Lily jumping on Tramp

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And Everbody say...Awwww

Baby Mejana

What a Cutie Pie!

Yes I may be a little partial, but what a cutie pie, and what a good baby!

5 days old.......and looks like a month!

Mejana was 5 days old. Alicia & I took her to the Doctor. She weighed 7 lbs 12oz when she left the hospital, and weighed 8 lbs yesterday. Good job mom & baby! Alicia is nursing with no supplements and doing a fantastic job! The doctor was very impressed with her and Ronny's parenting! She asked me what I thought,
I said, "I was very Proud!"
Uncle Nate and Chad came over to see her Too.

First Visit with Uncle Michael

Michael and I drove up to the hospital so he could meet his niece. He will make a great father one day!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Patiently Wainting For the Big Event!

Everyone was waiting for the Big Event....It was worth the wait!
Lora came and brought us some lunch! Alicia did so good. Her water broke at 1:45 am. Went to the hospital at 3:30am. They induced her around 12 or so. She pushed for over 2 hours! I just can't tell you how great she did! Finally had Mayhana at 8:07 pm!

Mike pointing out the Good Ones!

Mike has Always been good at pointing out the good ones. He said they look like mountains, another thing he's good at pointing out!

You Can Do It!

Abbie & Ashley Massaging Big Sisters Head

Ashley & Abbie were so Awesome! They were massaging Alicia's Head when she was in Labor. They did so good, she fell asleep!

The Home Stretch