Monday, May 18, 2009

Favorite Memory Rita Singing

My favorite memory with rita is when she would be driving abbie and I somewhere and a song would come on and rite would crank the tunes and we would dance and sing and Rita would always get the worlds wrong and we wouldnt care and just keeps singing I love you- Candice

This Song by Andy Gibb was the #1 song in 1977

Rita was a beautiful singer and she knew all the old songs(70's-80's), This video is from Rita's phone taken by Abbie. Whenever we went on a trip I usually didn't listen to the radio, but Rita loved the radio and when a song came on she liked, she always sang. I loved watching her because she always danced in her seat and used her arms to express herself, and occasionally I would join in, when the part of the song came on that I knew. Rita was in concert choir in High School and in 1978 her choir went to Mexico and recorded an album and sang at churches and schools. I thought it sucked because I just met her on May 6th and on June 1st she headed to Mexico for 2 weeks. While she was there she caught a 9' 2" Marlin and was able to bring it in, in only 15 minutes. She called her Mom to see if they wanted to get it stuffed and send back to SD, but her Mom said take your pick either you come home or the fish. Back then you had to call collect and her Mom reminded me that once she accepted a collect call from Rita only to hear a dial tone because Rita wanted to talk to me and charge her Mom and Dad for the call, thats my girl!! When she came back she looked like a native because she was so tan, and with her black hair, she was my Dream Girl!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

29 Years May 16th

Abbie and Andrew prom 09, MS Walk ,May 2nd 2009 over 50 walked for Rita, go to site to see video, Rita and Family at Lake in Nebraska

Wow its hard without My Rita, I've been just listening to her sweet voice, watching home movies and reading our old letters. It sucks because I know she not here, but relaxing in Heaven, No Pain, No worries, and lots of energy, especially talking. That doesn't seem to help me though, Only Time will Heal My Broken Heart, I'm Lost without her, Rita was my Everything! Words of Advice, If anything is upsetting you about Your Spouse, Just try and Live without them for 1 Day and you'll never stay Mad again, because it’s not worth the pain of Losing Someone as Special as Rita. I just Hope I lived up to Her Expectations of me. Rita kept saying to everyone No Regrets, Well I have Plenty, because If I Knew I was going to Lose Rita I would of Done Allot More for Her. So if you’re reading this, Just live Each Day with Each Other as if it were Your Last and it will Change Everything.
OK where was I? So we get on I-40 out of North Carolina and head straight for South Dakota with Rita, 9 month old Alicia and a 24 ft extremely full U-HAUL, car in tow with 2 dogs in it that like to stand on the steering wheel and honk the horn, we got some pretty good laughs with them, as people passed us. We had one pit stop in Onawa Iowa, Rita’s stomping grounds with all the cousins as she was growing up. We visited with her Grandma Delashmutt and her Favorite Aunt Claire. As we were leaving Claire’s husband Jim notice our trailer hitch holding the car was loose so I went to fixing it when the Schwan’s Man drove up. I can still hear Claire asking him if they were hiring and he said they are always looking for good people to hiring. I didn’t think much of it since I hated door to door salesman, because they were very pushy in NC and when you only make $500 a month, when we 1st got married and when I left the Marines was making $1250, that doesn’t leave much for extras. Rita did say we always had enough for a 12 pack each payday as long as I bought her a 6 pack of Coke. We moved in with her parents, which lasted about a month and then we moved in with her sister Rhonda and Eric. I applied everywhere they had openings for Police officers and didn’t get 1 bite, so I started at a farm outside of Sioux Falls making $8 an hour, it helped but I was going nowhere fast, so we decided I would go to the oil fields out West if I couldn’t get a real job soon. As I was looking at my resume and I notice the Schwan’s Flyer and decided to check them out. I interviewed with the 1 and only Al Bussman , Juanita’s husband. I felt the interview went well, but Al wanted me to go to Faulkton SD to ride on 2 different route systems, Schwan’s and Tony’s Pizza. Only 1 problem we were out of money from Rita and Alicia getting sick and going to the doctor. Which back then, they wanted cash before they would see you if you didn’t have insurance. So I headed to Faulkton with enough cash for gas, but had to eat MRE’s (meals ready to eat, from Marine Corp) and it was an overnight so I brought a blanket and was going to sleep in the car till the driver offered to pay for my room. Well I really like the retail side of Schwan’s as all the customers treated you like family and everyone was so excited when you showed up. It was long hours, but the pay and the benefits made it a Fantastic Career. When I check back in with Al he wanted to meet Rita and I together. Rita asked why do they want to interview me, I don’t know but you better look good so Al doesn’t see all my faults. Just kidding. Rita was the perfect Schwan’s Wife as she was Very Supportive, independent, Loving, Caring and would always put others 1st, especially me. I think we got hired after he met Rita and we went out for a beer afterwards to celebrate, I just remember how good she looked and how she talked me up in front of Al and that made me Very Proud to be Her Husband. That’s all for now, I’ve had a tough go since May 6th and this Saturday would have been 29 years. Love Ya All Mike Rita and Family OH Abbie had Prom and Graduates May 30th and its her 18th Birthday Too

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Well sorry everyone for not Blogging as Good as My Rita, I'm a work in progress, I do want to Thank everyone for their Love and Support, it Really Helps in the Healing Process. I promise to finish our story, and in the meantime will use this to share what others have written to me, their favorite memories of Rita are, I'm reading 1 a day and will put my 2 cents in to.

From Celia Mattson

I remember Rita sharing stories about childbirth at our women's Bible study, I remember her sharing that immediately after her 1st (I think) was born that she wanted to do it all over again. She said the delivery room nurses were amazed that she was that excited about having more babies that soon.

Mike: it was our second child not 1st, because Alicia didn't want to come and had to be pulled out screaming. Ashley was almost a Bridge baby. I was on an overnight with Schwan's about 1 hour away when Rita's called the motel and mentioned she thought her water broke, I asked how far apart the contractions were and I don't remember what she said but I thought I had time to shower and catch breakfast with Jon Schnoor. When I came over the hill coming into Randolph Ne about 2 hours later I saw her dad flashing his lights with my car and he looked like he was scared. I asked what was going on and Rita Barked back that her contractions where 5 minutes apart and what the heck took So Long!! We had 45 miles between Randolph and the Hospital. I was thinking that all births are the same and I had about 10-12 hours of getting her to the hospital, ice chips and squeezing my hand off till the baby was born, WRONG. I jumped in the car and buried the speedometer all the way too Yankton SD, Rita did not have her seat belt on and I ask her to put it on and she gave me one of those looks like kiss my ?ss so I said if your not going to where one neither was I. We passed people on the right side of the road to get around them because of traffic, we had our emergency lights on but nobody could figure out how to get over. We hit 3 birds on the way there, I ques they thought they had time also to get out of the way. When we hit the bridge over the Yankton River she was about 1-2 minutes apart, we made it to the hospital in less than 30 minutes, I went straight to the emergency room and they had Rita out of my car and in the birthing room in less than 5 minutes, I remember the nurse giving her a gown and she tried to get it on but the contractions were coming to quickly, when she did the nurse put a monitor on Rita and couldn't get a heart beat from the baby , which scared the tar out of us, they did finally get a heart beat and about 10 minutes later our 2nd beautiful daughter was born Ashley Ann Boyles 8/07/1986 8:55 am, 7lbs 13 oz. After the birth because Ashley came so fast and Alicia blazed the trail made it seem easy that Rita and I started talking about having another baby while she was still gettin cleaned up. I told Rita we need a boy and until she got it right we were going to keep having kids together. Besides I loved seeing Rita Barefoot and Pregnant, She just had a Special Glow about her when she was expecting and I have allot of pictures to prove it. I was always checking out my prego wife, feeling for the baby and putting my head on her stomach, which my family has turned into prego/baby crazy, touchy feely kind of a family. Man I Miss her and babying her all day on Mother's Day. Love Ya all Mike and Family
PS if you haven't ...Please post your favorite Rita Memory and Pictures Thanks Mike