Sunday, August 24, 2008

Abbie and Andrew at the Zoo


Mike & I on our way home from South Dakota caught an awesome sunset in Nebraska!
We were wishing we were on our back deck for wine thirty!

Happy Birthday To You

Wow I can't Believe my dad is 80!
The family went out to eat at the Outback.
I'd say my mom & dad look Great! Hopefully I got their genes & will look as good as they do when I'm their age!

Breakfast With Alicia and Baby

Wow can't believe it is only a couple of Months before we Meet our Grand baby! Alicia is so darn Cute! We met her at McDonald's for a quick bite (mike let us order off the dollar menu!) He got off cheap because me and Alicia shared a Sandwich! It was quick, then we were off to South Dakota for my dad's 80th Birthday!

Backpacking In The Rockymountain Forest

Mike, Michael, Ashley went backpacking in the Mountains. Ashley was pretty excited because they had a tent! When Mike took Abbie and her all they had was a tarp and it rained the whole time they were there!
It took Ashley a few years to decide to go again, Then she remembered that she lost 4lbs last time she went backpacking and she was leaving for Hawaii when they got back! If that's not motivator I don't know what is!
They had a pretty good trip. On the way home they were trying to beat a storm and Ashley was moving pretty slow so Mike said "Let me carry your pack" so Mike carried his pack and Ashley's! Ashley was really impressed that he could carry both packs and still walk faster then her! (not bad for an old man!)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

The Gang!

Here's A Picture Of The Lenhoff's, The whole gang. They were here when we first bought the cabin. All 9 kids and 4 adults were cramped in the original cabin. Paul & Adam slept on cots in the kitchen. Who would of known they would of been helping us with the second addition 16 years later, all grown up with families of there own!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Starting Out Extreme Cabin Makeover With Prayer

I just had to tell you this, Mike said it only rained for a little bit one day, But rained none stop after the Extreme makeover! (The power of prayer!)

Framing For First Floor

JULY 12TH Gene Our Awesome Neighbor!

ready GO!

Aftermath of Michaels 20th Birthday!

The Lenhoffs Were Here!

Michaels Handywork!

Lookin Good!

Watch Out Adam!

Some of The Extreme Makeover Artists, Michael, Kent, Mike

Before Extreme!

The Cabin (Stanley Hotel #2)

Extreme Cabin Makeover

A week of extreme building! The Lenhoff Family came down from Nebraska. They were Awesome! My kids said, "Its so weird not to have Dad barking out the orders and to have someone else telling Him what to do!'
We still have a lot to do inside. Mike has been working on finishing up the roof before winter comes! Its going to be so cool for Christmas this year, A lot more room & a new Baby! We are so excited!